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E-61 Environmental protection administration research, and development authorization bill for fiscal year 1977.Hearings before the subcomm.on the environment and the atmosphere of the comm.on science and technology.U.S.House of repres. 94th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1976.
111,289 p.
E—61 Environmental protection administration research and development authorization bill for fiscal year 1977»Hearings before the subcomm.on the environment and the atmosphere of the comm.on science and technology.U.S.House of repres.94th congr 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1976.
111,289 p.
E-61 Environmental protection affairs of the ninety-third congress. Wash., GPO, 1975.
X, 330 p.
r 90
E-61 Environmental protection affairs of the 94th congress.A report prep, by the Environment and Natural Resources Policy Division of the Congressional Research Service of the Library of Congress.	Wash.,G,P.O. (
ix,723 p.
E—61	Environmental protection affairs
of the ninety-fifth. Congress.A report.. Wash.,GPO,L979.
v,697 p. (96th congr.,lst sess.)
E-61 Environmental protection agency.Office of water programs.
A report to Congress on water pollu tion control manpower development and training activities by ... Wash.,GPO 1972.
xvi, 209 p. (92 congr.,2d sess)
/ 90-71
E-61 Environmental Protection Agency
Control of sulfur oxides.Report of the administrator of the environmental protection agency to the Congress of the U.S.	Wash.,GP0,1975.
iv, 62 p. (94th congr.,1st sess)
A <^-7/
E_61 Environmental Protection Agency Disposal of hazardous wastes.Report to Congress by the environmental protection agency. Wash.,GPO,1974. xii, 81 p. (93 rd congr.,2d sess)
£ r^'f
^0-71 E-61
r SO-7-7 r32.L5"
Environmental Protection Agency research and development fiscal year 1986 budget request.Hearings before the subcomm.on natural resources , agriculture research and environment of the comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.
99th congr.
1st sess.
1986.	234 p.
Environmental protection agencyresearch and development fiscal year 1987 budget request.Hearing before the subcbmm. on natural resources, agriculture research and environment of the comm.on science and technology.U.S.House of repres. 99th congr.,2nd sess.-Wash.:GPO,1986 -316 p.
I 90-71
E-61	environmental protection agency
197.5 needs survey.Hearings before the subcomm., on air and water pollution of the comm, on public works... 93 congr., 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1973.
iv, 274 p.
rgO'H/ $3'1'633
E-61 The Environmental Protection Agency’s 1974 needs survey.Hearing... subcomm. on environmental pollution of the comm, on public works., U.S.Senate,93rd congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1974.
61 p.
E-61 Environmental protection agency’s budget request for fiscal year 1975. Hearings before the subcomm, on environ mental pollution of the comm, on public works... 95 congr.,2d sess. Wash., GPO.1974.
iv, 404 p.
The environmental protection agency’s research program with primary emphasis on the community health and environmental surveillance system (CHESS): an investigative report. Wash.,GPO.1976.
VIII, 110 p.
E-61 Environmental protection: agenda for the 1980’S. Wash.,U.S.General Accounting Office,1982.
39 p. (Study by the Staff of the U.S. General Accounting Office).
r90; T9O-71 B37-532.6