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E-61 Environmental effects of energy generation on lake Michigan.Hearing before the subcomm, on energy,natural resources, and ... of the comm, on commerce. 91 congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,1970 III, 87 p.
r$o < E-61
Environmental health in the 21st century.Hearing before the subcomm, on natural resources,agriculture research and environment of the comm, on science,space,and technology U.S. House of repres.100th Congr.,2nd sess Wash.:GPO,1988.-189 p.
' ; T9O-71;
K39; K327
K>2 E-61
Environmental health research at the national institutes of health. Hearing before the subcomm.on the en vironment and the atmosphere of the comm.on science and technology.U.S. House of repres.95th congr.,1st sess Wash.,GPO,1977.
115 p.
E-61 Environmental impact statements.Hearings before the subcomm, on environmental pollution of the comm, on public works... 93 congr.,2d sess.April 10,197-197^. Wash.,GPO,1974.
50 p.
E-61 The environmental implications of genetic engineering.Staff report prep, by the subcomm, on investigations and oversight transmitted to the comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.98th congr., 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1984»
160 p. r90-71; K39
T90 E-61
Environmental improvement through economic incentives. F.R.Anderson, A1V.Kneese, P.D.Reed, R.B.Stevenson. S.Taylor.	Baltimore, L., The Johns
Hopkins University Press, 1979* xi,195 p. Index:pp.192-195.
r 5 O	c ' 77
. E-61 Environmental issues.Hearings before the subcomm. on health and the environment of the comm.on energy and commerce.House of repres.99th congr. 1st sess.	Wash.,GPO,1985»
432 p.
Environmental issues at Department of energy nuclear facilities.Hearing before the comm, on governmental affairs U.S.Senate. 100th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1987.
182 p.
r 90
E-ôl Environmental management plan-San Francisco.Hearings...subcomm.of the comm.on govëhment operations, House of repr.,95th congr.,2nd sess Wash.,GPO,1978.
265 p.
Fdo-^f. rW- rsw. i
rgo e-59
Environmental monitoring.Hearings before the subcomm.on the environment and the atmosphere of the comm.on science and technologu.U.S.House of repres. 95th congr.,lst sess. Wash.,GPO, 1978.
XLV, 296 p.
Environmental monitoring - II. Hearings before the subcomm.on the environment and the atmosphere of the comm.on science and technology. U.S.House of repres.95th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1978.
Ill, 321 p.
ho-71 E-61
Environmental monitoring improvement act. Hearing before the subcomm. on natural resources, agriculture research and environment of the comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.9Sth congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1985» 189 p.
/90-71 E-61
Environmental policy.Coneepts and international implications.Ed.by A.E. Utton, D.G.Henning. N.Y.a.o.»Praeger 1973.
ix, 266 p.
E-61 Environmental protection act of 19 Hearings before the subcomm.on the environment of the comm, on commerce...
92 congr.,lst sess. Part 1. Wash.,G 1971.
iv, 200 p.
rso-^l, E3P1
E-61 Environmental protection act of 1975»Hearings before the subcomm, on th environment of the comm, on commerce... 95 congr.,lst sess. on S.1104.April 2 and. 5, 1975. Wash. ,GPO, 1975.
542 p.
r30'11] re 6