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r 981
E-13 East-West trade. Hearings before the comm, on foreign relations.U.S.Senate. Pts.-1-2. Wash.,GPO,1964—1965.
2 vol. (U.S.Congress)
P. 1. March 13, 16, 23, Apr. 8, 9, 1
1964.	IV, 362 p.
P. 2. Febr. 24, 25, and 26, 1965»
1965.	IV, 304 p.
Г 50
Е -13
East-West trade and finance in the world economy,A new look for the 1980s.Ed.by Christopher T.Saunders. Lnd.-Basingstoke »Macmillan,1985.
IX,338p. /East-West European econ.interaction/.
Index pp.329-338.
Г 5О;Г52 Г 981 В 37-62
6512 С
1 52
East-West trade and the technology gap.A political and economic appraisa Ed.by Stanislaw Wasowski. N.Y. a. o. ,Pra eger,197O.
XVI, 1214 p. (Praeger spec.studie in intern.economics and development)
£ 25 East-West trade.A sourcebook on the E 15 international economic relations of socialist countries and their legal aspects.Comp•and ed.by Dietrich Andre Loeber.Vol.1-	Dobbs Ferry,
N.Y.,Oceana publ.,1976.
1 vol.
Vol.1. 1976. ,L,424 p.,ill.
£ 25-»r 60;T 52;P 981; A 1-4077
T~984.1	V	e
I1 984
E 13
East-West trade;the prospects to 1985. Studies prep.for the use of the Joint econ.comm. Congr. of the U.S. Aug.18,1982.	Wash.,
330 p.	(U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,
r 984;
B 37-6
r 981 ; F 981.1
MO East-West troop reductions in Eu-E 13 rope:is agreement possible? Rep.prep.
for the Subcomm, on intern, security and scientific affairs of the Comm.
on foreign affairs,U.S.House of repr.
42 p. (U.S.Congr.,98.sess.,1)
HO;BO;B 37-64;
B 37-611
f 62
E 13
p. 2297
Eastern Europe: coming around the first turn: A paper presented by the Central intelligence agency to the Technology and national security Subcomm.of the Joint economic comm.,Congr.of the USA. 16 May 1991. - Wash., 1991.
- v, 29 p., tabl.^.	r6l
kp 2195
I 62
E 13
Eastern Europe: long road ahead to economic well-bein^: A paper by the Central intelligent agency presented to the Subcomm, on nology and national security Joint economic coma. - S.L., - 67 p.
F 62
tech-of the 1990.
Eastern Europe in the 1970s. Ed.by Sylva Sinanian, Istvan Deak,Peter C.Ludz N.Y.a.o.»Praeger Publ.,1972.
ix, 260 p.
E 312 E-13
Lobbying :a constitutionally protec ted right. Wash.,Amer.Enterprise Inst, for Public Policy Research,1977
35 p. r
• £ 3/2. : &37-W5&3f'S32.2;
3 37'332 S'
E-13 Easton, Allan
Complex managerial decisions involving multiple objectives. N.Y.a.o John Wiley, 1973.
xxii, 421 p. Index:pp.415-421.
B 3^ (202)
E 13
N 25 0 Easton David.
A system analysis of political life. - N.Y.: John Willey & Sons, 1967« - XVI, 507 p. - Index? p. 491-507.
B 32	Eaton C.
E 14	Henry Clay and the art of American politics.
I Ed. by O. Handlin. - Boston; Toronto: Little, Brown and company, 1957. - 209 p.
2094 0
B 22
E 14 Eaurs James.
In defence of Canada. Peacemaking and deterrence. - Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1972. - xiv, 448 p. - Index: p. 429-448.
B 22 Eayrs,James
E 14 The art of the possible.Government and foreign policy in Canada. Toronto,Univ.of Toronto press,1971*
VIII,232 p. Bibliogr.p.203-216. Index p.217-232.
B 22