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g__L3 East European program. First report.April 1985-October 1986.
Wash.,Woodrow Wilson International Center foi' Scholars, 1986.
25 p.
K32; K321
13	East-West.A sourcebook on the in-
ternational economic relations of socialist countries and their legal aspects.Comp. and ed.by D.A.Loeber.Vols 1,2. Dobbs Ferry,N.Y.,Oceana,1976
Vol.2. xviii,578 p.
$ rèOy r9S/^ r98Y./
K 321
E 13
East-West center - progress and problems: Report to the Congress by the Comptroller general of the United States (Febr.15, 1978)» - Wash.: GAO, 1978. - vi, 42 p.
K 321; K 323;
K 33; B 37-63;
B 37-64
T 980
E 13
East-West commercial policy:a congressional dialogue with the Reagan administration. A study prep, for the use of the Joint econ.comm. Congress of the U.S. Febr.16,1982. Wash.,GP0.1982.
73 p. (U.S.Congr..,97,sess.,2)
P 980;P 981;
B 37-62
r 52
T 52
East-west economic interaction: possibilities,problems,politics, and prospects.Select, papers pres, to a conf.at the Swedish inst.of intern affairs on 9-11 June 1980. Ed.by Bo Huldt and Atis Lejins. Stockholm,Swedish inst.of intern, affairs,1981.
113p. /Confer. papers 1/
6866 C
B 37-62
E 13
East-West economic relations. Hearing before the Subcomm.on intern, econ. policy „of the Comm., on foreign relations. U.S.Senate. Sept.16,1981. Wash.,GPO,1981.
53 p. (U.S.Congr.,97, sess.,1 )
B 37-62
P 981 ; T 52
E-15 East-West foreign trade board.
First quarterly report.Communication from the chairman, east-west foreign trade board. Wash.,GPO,1975.
V, 29 p.
rs/y./; rw.
E-13 East-West Foreign Trade Board.
Report on trade between the United States and Nonmarket Economy Countries to the President and the Congress,6th. 2nd quarter 1976. Wash.,GPO,1977»
95 p. (The Secretary of the Trea sury).
r^i. irZ&f',
E-13 East-West Foreign Trade Board
Report... third and fourth quarters 1976« 7th and Sth reports on trade between the U.S. and Nonmarket Economy Countries to the President and the Congress. Wash.,GPO,1977.
99 p.
r r^rr by
E-13 East-West Foreign Trade Board
Report... first and second quarters. 1977« 9th and 10th reports on trade between the U.S. and Nonmarket Economy Countries to the President and the Congress. Wash.,GPO,1978.
98 p.
/3 37^3> 6
B 37	East-West relations : focus on the
E 13 Pacific. Hearings before the Comm.
on foreign relations. U.S.Senate.
June 10 and 16,1982. Wash.,GPO,1982
76 p. (U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,2)
B 37;B 37-64
# p B 0 E-13	East-West tensions in the Third world.The 17th American assembly,Arden House,Harriman, New York,Nov 21-24,1985 N y Columbia univ ,1985 15p
B 0	6989
E-13 East-West tensions in the Third World. Marschall D. Shulman ed.
N.Y., Lnd., W.W.Norton and Company,
243 p.	Index:pp.232-243.
(The American Assembly.Columbia Uni -versity).
BO; B37-64
Б 0 S-562	Bast-West tensions in the Third world.Ed.by M,D.Shulman. N.Y.-Lnd.»Norton,1986. 243p. Index pp.233-243-/Amer.assembly/.
Б 0 В 11	7ЮЗ
E-13 East-West trade. A compilation of views of businessmen, bankers, and acade mic experts.Comm.on foreign relations United States Senate.Nov.1964.	Wash.,
IV, 300 p. (88 congr.,2nd sess). Index:pp.2 97-300.