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B 37-64 Z. C-782	Copeland, Miles. The game of nations. The amorality of power politics. - New York : Simon &
	Schuster, 1969.-318 p. - Ind. : p. 307-318.
fl 5	2763
C-78j5 Coping with the mass media.
J.F.Littell. ed. Evanston,Illinois, McDougal Littell,1976.
2p2 p.
fso C-785
Coppock J.D.
International trade instability. Westmead, Farnborough,Hants.,Saxon House,1977-
xii, 218 p. Index:pp.217-218.
Coproduction programs and licensing arrangements in foreing countries. Wash..Comptroller General of the United States,1975«
43 p. (Report to the comm.on international relations.House of rep-res. by The Comptroller General of the U.S.).
/~5p; razv;
Corbin Doris
Publications of the social science department,1963-1970.Comp.by Doris Corbin. Santa Monica,Ca.,Hand,1971.
xv, 65 p.
C-794 Cordon W.M.
Monetary integration Univ.,N.J.,1972.
46 p. (Essays in nance. N0. 93, April
international fi-1972).
C-795 Cordier Andrew W.
The school of international affairs & the regional institutes.Report on publications: 1966- and 1967. N.Y.,»Columbia Univ.,1968.
63 p.
C-794 Corea Ernest
Non-alignment: the dynamics of a movement.Vol.36,No.1.	Toronto, The
Canadian Institute of International Affairs,1977.
Vol.36.No.1.	23 p.
C-799Corley R.N. and Black R.L.
The legal environment of business.
3rd ed. N.Y.,st.Louis, San Francisco, Dusseldorf, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1973.
xix, 664 p. Index: pp.647-664.
Z- 57 £3^ £3S
Corliss, William R.
Planetary exploration. Space in the seventies. Wash.»NASA,1971.
28 p.
G-814 Cornell workshop on energy and the environment.
Summary report of ... (Febr.22-24, 1972).Sponsored by the National Science Foundation. Comm, on interior and insular affairs.May 1972. Wash.,GPO.1972 xxi, 177 p. (92 congr.,2d sess.;
/72 -
C-816Cornforth Maurice.
The open philosophy and the open society. L.,Lawrence and Wishart, 1968.
596 p.
£ /7Z
Г 926
С 822
Corporate alternative minimum tax; Hearing before the Subcomm.on select revenue measures of the Comm on ways and means. House of repres. 1O1st Congr., 1st sess. - Wash.sGPO 1990. - 336 p.
Г 926; Г 926.1
Г 914, F 34
F 822
C-822 Corporate Canada. 14 probes into the workings of a branch-plant economy.A last post special.Ed.by R.Murphy and M.Starowicz. With an introduction by M.Watkins. Toronto, James Lewis & Samuel, Publishers, 1972.
xv,159 P.
C-822 Corporate criminal liability.Hearings before the subcomm, on crime of the comm, on the judiciary House of repres. 96th congr.,1st and 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1981.
906 p.
ew r$/3>