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Pl 45 Cooper Henry S. F.
C 776 A house in space.- London, Angus & Robertson publishers, 1977.-184p.
B 37-64 C-785	Cooper,John F. The U.S.and East Asia problems and dilemmas for the 1980s Wash.,1984«	. 13p.	/Heritage lectu- res 30/.
B 37-64	6143
Q-777 Cooper John Milton,Jr
The vanity of power.American isolationism and the First World War. 1914— 1917. Westport, Conn.»Greenwood Publ< Co.,1969.
xii, 271 p. Index: pp.259-271.
C-778 Cooper Richard N.
Currency devaluation in developing countries. Princeton, N.J.»Princeton Univ.,1971.
38 p. (Essays in international finance.No. 86, June 1971).
778 Cooper R.N.
The economics of interdependence: economic policy in the Atlantic Community. N.Y.»Toronto, London, Sydney,McGraw-Hi11 Book Company,1968.
502 p.
r^3 , P9S5i
/ 983
C_778co°Pe1, Richard N.
Sterling, European monetary unification, and the international monetary system. British-North American Comm. 1972.
34 p.
C-778 Cooper Richard V.L.
The additionality factor U.S.development assistance.A for Agency for international Santa Monica, Rand.,1972.
xiii, 69 p.
in tied report prep development
B 37-64
C-778 Cooper, William.
Soviet - American relations in 1977 : A Chronological summary and brief analysis. - Washington : CRS, 1979. - 192 p.
B 37-62
r 981.1
f 984.1
C-778	Cooperation in agricultural assistance:
An elusive goal in Indonesia. By the Comptroller General of the U.S. Report to the Congress. - Washington : Comptroller General of the U.S., 1980. - V, 50 p.
B 37-62 f 982
K54 -
C-776 Cooperative college, program. 1975 directory nal Science Found.,1973 16 p.
school science Wash. ,Natio-
B 37-22
C-776 Cooperative housing in the U.S.A.
- Washington : Foundation for Cooperative Housing, 1971. - 28 p.
r 934.5
C-778 Coordinated framework for regulation of biotechnology!Hearing before the subcomm. on investigations and over sight and the subcomm, on natural resources, agriculture research and environment and the subcomm, on science, research and technology of the comm, on science and technology.House of repres.99th congr.,2nd sess.-Wash.:GPO, 1986.-v,282 p.
T431; f90-71
I 32
Coordination of Dep.of energy/ /Dep.of defense nuclear weapons materials requirements.Hearing before the procurement and military nuclear systems Subcomm.of the Comm, on armed services.House of repr. June 18,1980. Wash.,GP0,1980.
23 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2)
Il 32; Pi 37
B37 C-778	Coordination of international exchange and training programs—opportunities and limitations. Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S. - Washin-
B 37-62 B 37-63 B 37-64 B 37-533 r 90-72 f 980	gton : Comptroller General of the U.S, 1978.- 112 p. 11094
The public burning.A novel N.Y.,Viking press,'1977*
X,534 p.