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B 37-683
Brown, Weldon A.
The last chopper. The denouement of the American role in Vietnam, 1963-1975.
- Port Washington, New York - London : Kennikat Press, 1976. - X, 371 p. - Bibliogr. : p. 355-358.-Ind. :p. 360-371.
B 37-64
5 p. n 30 3-881
Brown,William M.
On the postattack viability of American institutions.	S^t. Monica,
m 30
B 37-64 B-881	Brown, W. Norman. The United States & India, Pakistan, Bangladesh. Ed. by O. Reischauer. - Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press, 1972. - XI, 462 p. - Ind. : p. 411-462.
■	1905c
B 37	Browne, Arthur.
B-878	A decidedly unauthorized biography of
the Mayor of New York City, Edward I. Koch / A. Browne, D. Collins, M. Goodwin, I. Koch. - New York : A decidedly unauthorized biography of the Mayor of New York City, Edward I. Koch, 1985. - XIV, 304 p. - Ind. : p. 299-304.
B 37-8
B 37-22	15408
£334	>
K 0
Browne,Donald R.
International radio broadcasting. The limits of the limitless medium. N.Y.,Praeger,1982
XII,369p Bibliogr.pp 360-363. Index pp 364-369.
K 0
K 36
B 37-64
B-885 Browning E.K.
Redistribution and the welfare sys
tern. Wash.»American Enterprise Insti tute for Public Policy Research,1975.
131 p. (Evaluative studies).
/"2 33
r 926.2
B 885
Brownlee W.E.
Federal taxation in America: a history / W. Elliot Brownlee. - New York: Cambridge Univ, press, 2016. - XIV, 332 p.: ill.-Ind.: p. 321-332.
16/18 hh
fl 24
B-885 Brownson C.B.
1968 congressional staff directory.
1800 staff biographies. Wash.,The Congressional Staff Directory,!968.
604 p., 52 p. Index
» 24 B-885
Brownson Charles B.
1977 Congressional staff directory. 2000 staff biographies. Charles B. Brownson. Mount Vernon, Virginia, Congressional Staff Directory ,1977«
x, 840 p.
B 37-53
B-885 Brownstein, Ronald.
Reagan’s ruling class: portraits of the President’s top 100 officials / R. Brownstein, N. Easton. - Washington : The Presidential Accountability Group, 1982 - 747 p.
B 37-532