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/7 2
B-879 Brown L.B.
Ideology. Harmondsworth,Middlesex, 1973.
208 p. Index: pp. 201-208.
H nz
B-879 Brown Lawrence D., Fossett Janies W., Palmer Kenneth T.
The changing politics of federal grants. Wash.,The Brookings Institution,1984.
x,169 p. Index:pp.165-169.
r918.1;	B37-53;
B37-534; B37-22
n	14598
Fl 35
B-878 Brown L.David.
Managing conflict at organizational interfaces.	Reading,Mass.,a.o.,
Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1983.
xi,349 p. Index:pp.343-349.
H 358; T921.0
B 37 B-878	Brown, Lawrence D. New policies, new politics: government’s response to government’s growth: a staff paper by Lawrence D. Brown. - Washington : The Brookings Institution, 1983. -VIII, 71 p.
B 37-53	13887
K 39
B-878 Brown Lawrence D.
Politics and Health Care Organize tion:HMOs as Federal Policy. Wash. The Brookings Inst.,1983»
xv,540 p. Index:p,533-540.
K 39,B 37-53
B-879 Brown, Les
Television.The business behind the bod. N.Y.,Harcourt Brace Jovano-vich,1971.
viii, 374 p. Index: pp.367-374.
r 233.5
B 878
Brown L.R.
Building a sustainable society. - N.Y.-Lnd.: Norton & company, 19S1. - X, 433 p.
-	(Worldwatch Institue book).
-	Index: p. 417-433.
P233,5; P9O-71;
P431; P 50; BO
B 37-22 B-879	Brown, L. R. The future of urbanization: facing the
•	ecological and economic constraints / L. R. Brown, J. L. Jacobson. - Washington : Worldwatch Institute, 1987. - 60 p. -(Worldwatch paper.77).
r 90-71	6p. 1611
. r 432
- ■
B 8?8
Brown,Lester R.
The global economic prospect new sources of economic stress. Wash.,Worldwatch inst.,1978*
56 p. ■ (Worldwatch paper 20 May 1978). Bibliogr.p.53-56.
r so; rso^i ’
4035 C
Brown, Lester R.
The interdependence of nations. N.Y.foreign policy assoc.,1972.
79 p. (Headline ser. No. 212).
F 50
Brown L.R.
Our daily bread. N.Y.,foreign Policy Association,Inc.,1975.
65 p. (Headline series.N 225).
% p. r 50 B-879	Brown,Leoter R. The politics and responsibility of the North American breadbasket. Wash.,1975. 43p. /Worldwatch paper 2, Oct.1975/
r 50 r 94	6079 C 0
B-879 Brown Lester R.
Resource trends and population policy: a time for reassessment. Worldwatch paper 29.May 1979« Wash., ’iorldwatch Institute, 1979«
55 p.
£0; W,/733£
B-879 Brown Lester R., Flavin Christopher, Norman Colin
Running on empty.The future of the automobile in an oil-short world N.Y.,L., W.W.Norton and Company,1979 ix, 116 p. (A Worldwatch Institute Book). Index:pp.ll2-116.
B-879 Brown Lester R. and Wolf Edward 0.
Soil erosion: quiet crisis in the world economy. Wash.»World watch Institute,1984.
49 p. (Worldwatch Paper 60).
BO; C431 l'9M