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132 Blackey,Robert
628 Modern revolutions and revolutionists «A bibliography, Santa Barbara,Cal,-Oxford,England,Clio books,1976.
XXVII,255 P* (War/peace bib-liogr.ser.), Index p,227-255,
/4 30
Blackman Allan
Face to face with your draft bo; A guide to personal appearances. By Allan Blackman.	Berkeley,Calif,,
World Without War Council.,1969.
101 p.
H 30
r 82
B-629 Blackman Warren J.
The Canadian financial system. Toronto, Montreal, N.Y. a.o., McGraw-Hill Ryerson Limited,1980.
xv, 391 p. Index:pp.389-391.
/■#2 3-3;
3330 c
B 2
B-629 Blackmer, Donald L.M. & Kriegel, Annie The International Role of the Communist Parties of Italy & France.--Cambr.. Mass.: Harvard Center for International Affairs, 1975.-IX, 67 p. -(Harvard Studies in International Affairs, No. 32).
B 2; B 37-64
B 37-9
B-631	Blacks in America. Bibliographical
essays I J.M. McPherson, L.B. Holland, J.M. Banner, Jr., a. o. - New York : Anchor Books, 1972. - XIX, 430 p. - Ind. : p. 405-430.
B 37-298
B 30; A 38	9024
H 132
E 312	Blackstock,'Telson
B 631	Cointelpro.The FBI’s secret war
on political freedom.Introd.by Noam Chomsky. N.Y.,Vintage books,1975« XIII,216 p.
E ?12;B
37-9-9;E 44
F7 5
B-632 Blades Jon W.
Rules for leadership.Improving unit performance. Joh V/.Blade with, introduccion by Walter F.UlmermJr. Wash.,National Defense University Press,1986.
xxiv,113 p.
n 5; 17358
В 1
В -634
•	41Ôô
Blainey's Geoffrey
Across a red world«-Melbourne: The Macmillan Company of Australia, 1968.-215p.
В 1,П 6
B-635 Blair G.S.
■American legislatures.Structure and_process. N.Y.,Harper & Row Publ. ,
449 p.
• E 3-11 E3O/ E3V /3 31-53
r 82
B-643 Blais Andre, Desranleau Claude, Vanier Yves
A political sociology of public aid to industry. Toronto, University of Toronto Press,1986.
xv,173 p. Hibliogr. :pp. 158-
T822.7; T18
B-6^6 Blake D.H. and Walters H.S.
The politics of global economic relations. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall, Inc.,1976.
xii, 240 p.	Index:pp.237-240.
• rssc'
C2 3^.5',
B 37-1
B-636 Blake, Judith.
Coercive pronatalism and American population policy. - Berkeley : University of California, 1972. - 54 p. - (Preliminary paper № 2).
B 37-1
B-636 Blake, Judith.
The teenage birth control dilemma and public opinion. - Berkeley : University of California, 1973. - p. 708-712. - (Report № 431).
B 37-1
B-636 Blake, Judith.
The fallacy of the five million women: a re-estimate / Judith Blake, Prithwis Das Gupta. - Berkeley, California : University of California, 1972. - p. 569-587. - (Reprint No.411).
Blake Robert R., Mouton Jane S, Building a dynamic corporation through grid organization development Reading, Mass., a.o., Addison-Wesley Pibl.Co.,1969.
VIII, 120 p.
A r 0 2-1'1 ‘ |