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201 0
B-627 Black, Lloyd, D.
The Strategy of Foreign Aid.--Toronto, Melbourne, L.: D.Van Hostrand Company, 1968.-XIII, 176 p.-Index:p.
B 36(69)
B 37-298
Black nationalism in America / Ed. by John H. Bracey, August Meier, Elliott Rudwick. - Indianapolis - New York : Bobbs-Merrill, 1970. - LXX, 568 p.
B 30
fl 38
A 38
B 627
The Black Panther leaders sneak. Huey P .Newt on,'Bobby Seale, .. .Ed.by ' G .Louis Heath. ■ Me tuchen,N. J., Sc are-crow press,1976.	’	’ ■
XII,165-p. Bibliogr.p.145-150. Index p.151-165.
B 627
The Black Panther Leaders Speak/ Ed. by G.L.Heath. the Scarecrow Press, Inc., 1976. - 165 p.
625 d
'B-GS? Black Panther party.Part 2. Inves tigation of Seattle Chapter.Hearings.. Comm, on internal security.House of repres.,91 congr.,2d sess. Wash., GPO, 1970.
pp. 4297-4428. Indexs Vp.
' B-627 Black Panther party. Part 5. Investigation of activities in Detroit,Mich. Philadelphia, Pa., and Indiaanapolis, Ind.»Hearings before the comm, on internal security... 91 congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,1970.
pp. 4429-4629. Index: pp.vi.
Black Panther party.Part 4.National office operations and. investigation of activities in Des Moines, Iowa, and. Omaha, Nebr. Hearings before the comm, on internal security... 91 congr., 2d. sess. Wash. ,GPO, 1971«
pp. 4717-5119. Index: p.xii
The Black Panther party.Its origin and development as reflected in its official weekly newspaper.The Black Panther,Black Community News Service.Staff study by the Comm, on internal security House of repres.,91st congr.,2d sess. (October 6,1970).(Including index). Wash.,GPO,1970.
142 p.
B-627 The Black Panthers speak. Ed. by Philip S.-Foner. Philadelphia, N.Y. Lippincott Co.,1970. xxx, 274 p.
B 31.2
B 627
Black Protest. History, Documents, and Analyses. 1619 to the present. - New York, 1968.-510 p.
B-627 Black protest in the sixties. Ed. with an introd.by August Meier and Elliott Rudwicj.	Chicago,Quadrangle
Books, 1970.
xi, 555 p.
A 38
B-627 The black revolt and democratic politics.Ed. with an introd.by Sondra Silverman.	Lexington,Mass.,D.C.Heath
and Co.,1970.
xx, 100 p.
B-628 Black Stanley W.
International money markets and flexible exchange rates. Princeton, N. J.,Prineeton University,1975.
67 P.
B-644 Blackburn John 0.
The renewable energy alternative.
How the United States and the World Can Prosper, without nuclear energy or coal. Durham, Duke University Press,1987.	J
xi,201. Index:pp.I97-2OI.
J 22.
6 62$
Blackburn, Simon.
The Oxford dictionary of philosophy. - Oxford; N.Y.; Oxford unif.press,1996. - IX,418,/4/ p. • fig. - (Oxford paperback reference).