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Strong, William Duncan.
Archeological investigations in the Bay Islands, Spanish Honduras. Washington, Smithsonian inst, 1935«
VI,176 p.with ill., 12 l.ill. (Smith sonian mise,collections. Vol. 92, N 14).
Lit.5 p.
Strong,Wolliam Duncan e.a.
Preliminary report on the Snithsonain institutions-Harvard university Archeological expedition to Worthwestern Honduras 1956. By W.D. Strong, A.Kidder II and A.J.D.Paul.	Washington,Staithconian
V.129 p.with ill.,8 l.ill. (Smithsonian misce.collection. Vol.97* N 1).
Lit. 5 p.
Swanton,John R.
Linguistic material from the tribes of Southern Texas and Norteastem Mexico Washington, Gov .print. off., 1940•
V,145 P* (Smithsonian institution. Bureau of American ethnology.Bull.127).

Taylor W.
Jandals from Coahuila Caves with an ^ntrodution to the Coahuila Project. Coahuila, Mexico: 1937-1941, 1947. - Washington, 2003. - 1518.
Тешріо Mayor de Mexico. México»1957* 25 P*»20 fig« (Guia oficial institute Nàcional de antropologia e historia).
Tenayuc^.Estudio Arqueologico de la piramide de éste lugar,hecho por el departamentо de monumentos de la Secretaria de Educacion Publica. Mexico,1935.
XIII,350 p.pl.ill. maps. (Contri-buçionzde la Secretaria de Educacion Publica al XXVI Congreso In-ternacional de Americanistas, reunido en Sevilla,Espana el 12 de Octubre de 1935).
Bibliograf!^ p.p.345-350.
Tenayuca.La piramide de Tenayuca.
40 p.,23 fig. (ІВАН).
Teotihuacan. Mexico,1959«
44 p.,12 fig.,4 pl. (Guia oficial Institute nacional de antropologia e historia).
Thompson J.E.
The rise and fall of Maya civilization. Norman,1954.
287 p.,2O fig.,24 pl.
ГИ 2 —■—і
Tokovinine А.
Place and Identity in Classic Maya Narratives. -Oaks, 2013.- 167 s.
Tula. Mexico,1957.
54 p.,28 fig.,2 pl. (INAH)
Tulum. Mexico,1959.
49 p.,28 fig.,3 pl. (Guia oficial Institute nacional de antropologia e historia).
Twin Tollans : Chichén Itzâ, Tula, and the Epiclassic to Early Postclassic Mesoamerican World / Ed. By J.K. Kowalski, C. Kristan-Graham. -Washington, D.C. : Dumbarton Oaks, Harvard Univ. Press, 2007. - 640 с. : ил.
Uxmal.zSituacion y medios de comunica-cion.	Mexico,1959.
55 p.,27 flg. (Guia oficial Institute nacional de antropologia e historia) .
—		JJep^rLßmenL arcr?aeo/o^. Trsnsäct/Ons of the Free Museum of
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