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P Lothrop,Samuel Kirkland.
ir/jr" Archaeology of the Diquis delta,Cos-ta Rica. Cambridge(Mass.),1963.
0	X.142 p.with ill.;26 l.ill. (Pa-
pers of the Peabody museum of archaeolo-
rt gy and ethnology .Harvard univ.Vol. 51). Bibliogr.p.139-142.
Mac Welsh R.S.
El origen, de la civilizacion, mesoamericana visto desde Tehuacan. Mexico,1964.
37 p.,7 lam. (Depart amentо de prehistoria) .
Preliminary archaeological investigations in the Sierra de 'Tamaulipas,Mexico. Philadelphia,1958.
210 p.,51 fig. (Transactions of the American philosophical society. New ser.Vol.48,pt 6.1958).
Malinalco. Mexico,1958«
29 p.,21 fig.,1 pl.
Maya Handschrift der Sächsischen Landesbibliothek Dresden. Codex Dres-densis. Berlin,1962.
19 S.mit 74 Ill.* 2.
Melgarejo Vivanco J,L.
Los calendarios de Zempsalo. Mexico, 1966.
96 p.,ill.
Mercer,Henry 0.
The Hill-Caves of Yucatan.A search for evidence of man's antiquity in the caverns of Central America. Philadelphia, 1896»
183 p. v/ith ill.
Mexican and Central American antiquities »calendar systems and history. Twenty-four papers by Eduard Seler, E.Förstemann,Paul Schellhas,Carl Sapper and E.P.Dieseldorff.Translated from the German under the supervision of Charles P.Bowditch. Washing!on,Gov.print.off.,1904. 682 p. with ill.; 49 pl.ill. (Smithsonian institutіon.Bureau of American ethnology.Bulletin 28).
(9t)59S Mesoamerican archaeology.New anp-. roaches.Proc.of a Symposium on Meso-
• 7b amer.archaeology held by the Univ.of
/П Cambridge Centre of Latin Amer. studies,
■ Aug.19/2.Ed.by N. Hammond. L. ,Duckworth, 1974.
, XIV,474 p.with ill. Ind.of auth..: p. 466-4.74 . Библиогр. n конце статей.
Michelet D.
Rio Verde, Sun Luis Potosi (Mexique). - Mexico, 1984. -437 p., fig.
(Etudes Mesoamericaines. Vol.IX)
Estudio tnicrofotogrâfico de Arte-faotos Llticos.	México.1964.
17 p.,6 f.,2 lam.	(Departarnento
de prehistoria.Publicaciones,14).
Miscellanea Paul Rivet octogenario dicata 1-2. México,1958-
2 V. (XXXI Congreso intern.de ame-ricanistas.Univ.nacional autônoma de México).
Т.2. ВХОДИТ B cep.: Publicaciones del Inst.de historia. Ser.1).
Monte Alban Mitla. Mexico,1957»
39 p.,22 fig.,1 pl. (Guia oficial UTAH).
£a сЦедса de Mexico Consideracion.es Geologlcas y Arqueologicas. Mexico, 1956.
51 s. (Direccion de Prehistoria).
02272-05-12 •
M0RATT0 Michael J.
California archaeology / With contributions by Fredrickson D.A., Raven Ch., Warren C.N.; With a fo-rew.by Riddell F.A. - Orlando (Fia) etc. : Acad.press ,198U. - XXXMI, 757 p.,ill.,m. - (New world archaeol. rec.). - Bibliogr.:p.597-7OU.Indices : p.705-5757 .