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Les industries à pointes foliacées du Paléolithique supérieur eu ropèen : Colloque international. Cracovie-Karniowice 25-29 Septembre 1989. Résumés des communications. -Cracovie, 1989. - 48 p.
(L’Institut d’Archéologie de l’Université Jagellon de Cracovie.)
Innovation and Continuity — Non-Megalithic Mortuary Practices in the Baltic. New Methods and Research into the Development of stone age society I L. Larsson, F. Lüth, Th. Terberger (eds.): International Workshop at Schwerin on 24-26 March 2006.
// Bericht der RGK 88, 2007. — 603 S.:il. д зо	2980-ои
International Congress of Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences. XIII. The Col loquia... Porli (Italia) 8-14 September, 19^6 •
Section 2, 9, Archaeometry. 130S.
Section 3 - Paleoecology. 187S.
Section 4 - The First Humans and Thier Cultural Manifestations. 1333.
- 2 -
Section 5 - The Lower and Middle Palaeo lithic. 2753.
Section б - The upper Palaeolithic. 312
Section 7 - The Mesolithic. 174S.
Section 8 - Art in the Palaeolithic, and Mesolithic. 143S.
Section 9 - The Neolithic in the Near East and Europe. 113S.
Section 11 - The Bronze Age in Europe and the Mediterranean. 266S
Section 12
Section 13
Section 14
Section 15
Section 16
- з -
The Iron Age in Europe,I9OS The Roman Period, (in Thepro vinces and the Barbaric
World). 107S.
Archaeology and History of the Middle Ages. 1493.
The Prehistory of Africa. 262S.
The Prehistory of Asia and Oceania. 339S.
Section 17 - The Prehistory of the Americas. 14SS.
Section 13 - Prehistoric Research in the Context of Contemporary Society. 1223.
International Forum of Ancient Civilizations. 2007 I Institute of Archaeology, Cass; Research Center for Ancient Civilizations, Cass. - Beijing, October 2007. - 86 c.
Д ЗО	2850-ои

International scientific Cooperation in the Arctic / Inst, of Archaeolo gy of the russian Academy of Sciences:, State Trust ’’Arcticugol”. - Moscow: Scientific World, 2002. - 176S.
Internationale Kongress der Thrakologen, der erste. ||Sofioter Nachrichten. - Sofia, 1972. - Sonderausgabe.
Internationaler Kongress furl Slawische Archäologie, II. Band 1.
Berichte über den II. Internationaler Kongress fur Slawische Archäologie. Berlin 24-28 Aug. 1970, Bdl. Berlin., 1970. - 159s.
(Deutsche Academie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin. Zentralinstitut fur Alte Geschichte und Archäologie).
Internationaler Kongress für Vor- und Frühge s chi cht e, 5.Hamburg.1958.
Bericht über den V.Internationalen Kongress für Vor- und Frühgeschichte. Hamburg,vom 24.bis 30.Aug.1958.Hrsg, von G.Bersu unter Mitwirk.von W.Dehn. Berlin,Mann,1961.
XXI,955 S.mit Ill.; 50 Bl.Ill. (Union int.des sciences préhist.et pro-tohist.).
Текст на нем.,англ.,франц.иисп.яз.
Библиогр.в конце отд.статей.
Internationales Symposium über die ^engyel-Kultur. Nove Vozokany 5.-9.November 1984. - Nitra-Wien, 1986. 356 S.» Abb.
7)ß Investigations archéologiques en Tché-“~yu	coslovaquie.îïtat	actuel des	re-,
J.OO	cherches et leur	organisation.Red.
par J.Eilip•	Prague, ’’Acadeaia”,
мП	1966 •
|VH M'-	317 p.avec ill. ;22 f.ill.
(Institut d’archeologie dé l’Acad. tchecoslov.des sciences•Vllème
I congr.int.des sciences prehist.et protohist.à Prague ,1966). Д Библиогр.в конце отд.статей. ”
The Iranian World and Turan: Inter national Seminar,February 13-14, 2001 / Center for Documents and Diplomatic History, Tehran. -
Italo-Uzbek Scientific Cooperation in Archaeology and Islamic Studies: An Overview. Rome, January 30,2000.- Roma, 2003. - 305S., Fig.