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Georgian archaeology at the turn of the 21-st century: results and perspectives: International conference, dedicated to the 8O-th anniversary of Otar Lordkipanidze. Summaries. - The Georgian National Museum, 2010. - 100 с., 1 портр.
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Georgian archaeology at the turn of the 2 Ist century : results and perspectives I Dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the distinguished Georgian scholar Otar Lordkipanidze. whose professional life was devoted to the archaeological investigation of ancient Georgia. -Tbillisi, 2010. - 99 p.
The Gravettian Along the Danube. Proceedings of the Mikulov conference, 20.-21. November 2002.- Brno, 2004.-2973., Fig.
The Great Numismatic Collections in the Baltic. From coin collections of the sovereigns to national research institutions.- St.Petersburg, 2005. - 188S
Die Griechen und ihre Nachbarn am Nordrand des Schwarzen Meeres : Beiträge des Internationalen archäologischen Kollokviums Münster 2001/ Klaus Stähler, Gabriele Gudrian (Hrsg.).. - Münster: Ugarit-Verlag, 2009. - 623 с.: ил. + 8 л. (Ugarit-Verlag) + 1 диск + 1 карта - (Eikon Beiträge zur antiken Bildersprache; Band 9).
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Halvdanshaugen - arkeologi, histori og naturvitenskap /Universitetets kultur-historiske museer. Skrifte® nr.3.- Oslo, 2004. - 376S.
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L’ hittitologie aujourd’hui : Études sur
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d’archéologie de l’IFEA (Istanbul, 21-22 novembre 2014). - Dumézil, 2017. - 306 p.
Impact of the Environment on Human Migration in Eurasia/ Proceedings of the NATO Advanced Research Workshop St.Petersburg, Russia, 15-18 November 2003* - Dordrecht/ Boston/ London, 2004. 334S., Fig.
Imported and Locally Produced Pottery : Methods of Identification and Analysis (Materials from I Conference...) / Ed.by A.Buko and W. Pela. - Warszawa, 1997. - 144 s.
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