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r 90
T-627 To ajnend the atomic energy act of 1954« Hearings before the subcomm, on energy and the environment of the comm, on interior and insular affairs.House of repres.96th congr., 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1981.
971 p.
C 91)2,1)
Т-627	amend the Bretton Woods agre-
ements act to authorize consent to an increase in the United States quota in the International Monetary Bund. Hearings before the subcomm, on international trade, investment and monetary policy of the comm, on banking, finance and urban affairs.House of repres.96th congr.,2nd sess. Wash., GP0,1980.
IV,621 p. W	№7'69'/
F 90-4 T-627
To amend the federal advisory committee act - P.L. 92-46,5. Hearings before the subcomm, on reports, accounting, and management of the comm, on government operations.U.S.Senate.94th congr.,2nd sess.	Wash.,GPO,1976.
VI,883 p.
B 37-69
T 627
To attend further the peace corp act.Hearing before the Conn.on intern.relations .U.S .House of repr. Fcbr.26,1976. Wash.,GPO,1976.
49 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2)
B 37-69
T-627 To amend the foreign assistance act of 1961. (Supplement authorization for assistance to Cambodia and other countries). Hearings... comm.on foreign affair.91st congr.,2d sess. Wash.. GPO,197O.
IV, 227 p.
T-627 To amend the foreign military sales act. Hearings before the comm.on foreign affairs... 91 congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,197O.
75 p.
T 982 To amend the United Nations
T 627 participation act of 1945 to halt the importation of Rhodesian chrome before the Subcomm.on seapower and strategic and critical materials of the Comm.on armed services.House of repr.July 21 and 22,1975* Wash., GPO,1975*
111,274 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.
TÇB2; 1)’	•	" 2889
H 354 To augur well.Early warning æ 627 indicators in world politics.
Ed.by J.David Singer and Michael D.Wallace,1979.
307 p. /SAGE focus editions/.
Bibliogr. pp.291-305.
B 57-6 To authorize appropriations
T 62? for the board for international broadcasting for fiscal year 1976; and to promote improved relations between the United States,Greece,and Turkey,to assist in the solution of the refugee problem on Cyprus,and to otherwise strengthen the North. Atlantic alliance.Rep.of the
C.C K.
To authorize appropriations for.
Com. on internet.relations together wich oppcsing,s ep arat e,supp1enent al and additional views .Sept.22,i975« Tash., GPC,•
111,43 p. C> yCongr., 9**.Hess ., 1.
PI 31
T 627
To authorize certain construction at military installations, and for other purposes before the Subcomm.on military installations and facilities of the Comm.on armed s v8 ye —j ~~ —v 730 12, Î 3,14 j 15, and 19,1975 . “ « as h GPO,1975.
. — >2^9 P«_ (U.S.Congress), mnaex p.03'7-o30.
-0 authorize sunplemental military T 627 assistance to Portugal for fiscal year 1977«Hearing and markup hefore the Subcomn.on Europe and the Hi dole East ' of the Com.on international relations.
House of rear .Earch 1,1977« Wash.,GPO 1977«
45 p. (U.S.Ccngr.,95«Sess.,1).
k SC ; is S’?-65'
T-627 To authorize supplemental military assistance to Portugal for fiscal year 1977. Hearing and markup before the subcomm.on Europe and the Middle East of the comm.on international relations House of repr.March 1,1977. Wash., GPO,1977.
45 p. (U.S.Congr. ,95.Sess.l).
T-627 To.authorize the United States to participate in increases in the resour ces of the Asian Development Bank, the International Monetary Fund and the In ternational Bank for Reconstruction and development.Hearings before the comm.on banking and currency,House of repr. 91 congr.,2nd sess.April 16 and 17, 1970. Wash.,GPO,1970.
305 p. A
B 37-552.2
T-627	To be a congressman:the promise
and the power.Ed.by S.Groennings and J.P.Hawley.Pref.by E. M.Kirkpatrick. Prologue by W.A.Steiger.Introd.by H.H.Humphrey. Wash.,D.C.»Acropolis books,1975.
xvii,258 p. Index:p.255-258«
E 3/7