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# 42
N-318 Naval nuclear propulsion program - 1972-73»Hearings before the Joint comm, on atomic energy... 92 congr.,2d sess. and 93 congr.,1st sess. on Naval nuclear propulsion program. Wash.,GPO,1974.
xi, 273 p.
IT-318 -aval nuclear propulsion program 1977.Hearing on H.R. 6566 ERDA authorization legislation for fiscal year 1978 before the intelligence and military application of nuclear energy subcomm, of the comm, on armed services.House of repr. Apr.27.,1977. Wash.,GPO,1977.
158 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.sess,l).
^37' //j
Naval nuclear propulsion program-1978, Hearing on H.R. 11036 department of energy authorization legislation (nat onal security programs)for fiscal year 1979 before the Intelligence and military application of nuclear energy subcomm, of the comm, on armed services. U.S.House of repr. March 1,1978. Wash.,GPO,1978.
213 p. (U.S.Congr.,95 sess.2) Z/7/; HH2'
N-318 Naval nuclear propulsion program -- 1985» Hearing on H.R.1873» (H.R.1872 Title IX) Department of energy...
FY 1986 before the procurement and military. . . comm.on armed services House of repres.99th congr.,lst sess.
viii,192 p.
H 33î/p7
r 90
IT-318 Naval petroleum and strategic energy reserves.Joint hearings before the comm, on interior and insular affairs and armed services.U.S.Sena t e . Wa sh.,GPO,1975.
v, 284 p.
r90) r332,^ Ml#
N—318	Naval Review.1971»Ed. Frank
Uhlig,Jr. Annapolis,Md.,U.S.
Naval Institute,1971.
360 p. with ill. (United States Naval Institute Proceedings. May 1971. Vol. 97,No.819).
N-327 The NAVSTAR global positioning system — a program with many uncertainties. Wash.,The Comptroller General of the U.S.,1979.
iv,22 p. (Bu the Comptroller General of the U.S.Report to the Congress.)
till IT-327
The navy & the common sea.By Morman V.Breckner a.o. Wash.»Office of Naval Research,1972.
xx, 225 p.
KL 31
N 327
Navy budget issues for Fiscal Year 1980.March 1979. Wash.,GPO., 1979.
118 p. (Budget issue paper for F.Y.1980)
KL 31;T 926.3;
KL 33
N-327 Navy material handling equipment costs can be reduced. Wash., GP0,1980. ’
iii,26 p. (Report by the U.S. General Accounting Office).
/^^3^ /7.32/
/337 <^3
VL 30 Navy sea control Mission.Study by N 327 the staff of the U.S.General Accounting Office.Mar.19,1976. Wash..GAO, 1976.
34 P*
JI 30;Ji 33 ;B 37-601;B 37-603
Jp. 1669
N-327 Navy strategic forces:Trident II proceeding toward deployment:Report to the chairman,comm.on armed services, House of repres.-Wash.:U.S.General Accounting Office,1988.-36 p.-(U.S. General Accounting Office).
K 33; //36.1
<^p. 1669
h 33
Navy strategic forces:Trident II proceeding toward deploymentsReport to the chairman,comm, on armed servie ces,House,of repres.-Wash.:U.S.General Accounting Office,1988.-36 p.-(U.S. General Accounting Office).
H33; JI36
Navy weapons testingiDefense policy on early operational testing.-Wash.:U.S.General Accounting Office, 1989.-36 p.
N-32 7	The navy’s inspection system
could be improved. Wash.,GPO, 1979.
iii,36 p. (By the Comptroller General Report to the chairman subcommittee on legislation and national security, House comm, on Government Operations of the U.S.).