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S 37-64
M-621 Michael,Franz and. Sigur,Gaston J.
The Asian alliance : Japan and United States policy.-N.Y.:National Strategy Information Center,1972.-vi,92p.
B 37-64
j 30
M-623 Michener,James A.
The drifters.A novel. Greenwicl Conn.,1972.
768 p. (Fawcett Crest Book).
Michie J., Smith J.
Managing the Global Economy.
U.K., 1995
K 36
M-625 Mickelson,Sig
The electric mirror.Politics in an age of television. N.Y.,Dodd, Mead & C°,1972.
xi,3O4 p.

K IS37-$3)
Г 233.5 М-626
Microeconomic foundations of employment and inflation theory. N.Y< W.W.Norton & C°,197O.
viii,434 p.
Ф Г233.Г
M-626 Micro-electronics, robotics and jobs. . Paris, Organisation for economic co-operation and development, 1982.
265 p. (Information computer communication policy).
B 37-69	I
M-626 Micronesian claims act of 1971» Hearings before the subcomm.on international organizations and. movements of the comm.on foreign affairs,House of repr.,92d congr.,1st sess.Apr.22, 1971.
111,118 p.
M-627 Mid-decade census legislation.Hearing before the subcomm. on census and statistics of the comm.on post office and civil service.U.S.Senate.9^th congr. 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1976.
V,174 p.
B 37-64
M 627 The Middle East in the 1990’s: Hearing before the Subcomm. on Europe and Middle East of the Comm, on Foreign affairs; House of repr. 101st Congr., 2nd sess. - Wash.: GPO, 1990. - 332 p.
B 37-64; B 37-69;
B 23/26
M-627 Mid-session review of the 1977 budget. Communication from the directo: office of management and budget, executive office of the president. Wash. GP0,1976.
111,41 p.
r 90
M-627 Mid-year perspective on the economy. Hearings before the comm« on the budget.House of repres. 96th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.?GPO,1980. 432 p.
E 44
M-627 Middendorff ,Wo.lf
The effectiveness of punishment. Especially in relation to traffic offenses.By W«Lf Middendorff. South Hackensack,N.J.,F.B.Rothman & C°,196£
XII,129 p.
B 37-7 M-627
The middle Americans,Proud and uncertain,Text by Robert Coles,phot graphs by Jon Erikson, Boston,Lit tie,Brown & C°,1971, ix,181 p.
P 90 M-627
1 -
Parts 1-4,5,6,7,8
P. 1
P. 2
P. 5
P. 4
267 P
351 p
Middle- and long-term energy policies and alternatives.Hearings before the subcomm... of the comm, on intersta te and foreign commerce.House of repres 94th congr.,2nd sess “ Wash.,GPO,1976. 613 XI, IX, VIII,283 p. see next card
r3C‘t r$52^‘,r9i$
M-627 and
- 2 -
Middle- and long-term alternatives.Appendix P. 5.	IX, 548	p.
P. 6.	IX, 563	p.
P. 7.	Ill, 82	p.
p.	ni.Wo
energy policie to hearings...