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® -5364 befSrSarJes in Africa.Hearing
"	the sPec.subcomm.on inves-
JelStn213 Sf the Com*on intern. ^h^GPO,*1976! °f r£ir-AuB-9,1976
75 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2)
S-_SZz^;3 37-69
r 927
M 554 Mercer
Social Security and Medicare. -William M. Mercer, Incorporated, 2000. - 200 p.
788 d
Merchant marine miscellaneous -Pts.1-5. Hearings before the subcomm on merchant marine of the comm, on merchant marine and fisheries House of repres.97th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1981/1982.
p.l.	276	P-
P.2.	285	P.
P.3.	151	P.
P.4.	367	P.
P.5.	322	P*	13943;13944
r 918
M-559 Merewitz L.,Sosnick S.H.
The budget’s new clothes.A critique of planning-programming-budget ing and benefit-cost analysis. Chi cago,Markham Publ.C0,1971.
x,318 p.
0 rsâ
A30 'M-568
Merriam,Charles E. ,Gosnell,Harold F.
The American party systeip.By Cha les E.Merriam and Harold Foote Gosnell. 4th ed.With a new introd.by Robert E.Merriam. H.Y.-L.,Johnson Re print Corp.,1969.
vii,53O p.
л 5
Merriam,Charles Edward
A history of American political theories.By Charles Edward Merriam. With a new introd.by Robert E.Merria: N.Y.-L.,Johnson Reprint Corp.,1968. xv,364 p.
К 35
Merrill,John С.
The elite of the world. Corp.,1968.
XV,336 p.
press.Great newspapers
N.Y.a.o.,Pitman Publ
f 90-56
M-571	Merrill,William C.,Fox,Karl A.
Introduction to economic statistics. N.Y,a.o.,John Wiley & Sons, 1970.
XIII,658 p.
K 33(02)
M-575 Mertins,Paul F.,Brandt,Norman J.
Financial statistics of institutions of higher education.Current funds,revenue and expenditures,1968-69. Wash.,GPO,1970.
vi,85 p.
x >3; rffo-s f