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L-983 Lyden Fremont J.
Public budgeting in theory and practice.Fremont J.Lyden. Marc Lindenberg. N.Y.-L., Longman, Inc.,1983» xiii,258 p. Index:pp.255-258.
H233.5; T926.3
L—983 Lydenberg Steven D.
Bankrolling ballots.The role of business in financing.State ballot question campaigns. Ed. W.C.Schwartz, N.Y.,The Council on Economic Priorities, Inc.,1979.
90 p. (Report. Council on Economic Priorities).
L-983 Lydenberg Steven D.
Bankrolling.ballots update 1980. ihe role of business in financing ballot question campaigns. N.Y. The Council on Economic Priorities’ 1981 •
200 p.
L-944 Lydenberg Steven
Weapons for the world.Update,The U.S.Corporate role in International Arms Transfers.	N.Y.,Council on
Economic Priorities,Inc1977.
ii, 72 p. (Council on Economic Priorities.Report).
H 5 o'r
L-98.5 Lydenberg S.D.
Minding the corporate conscience 1978.Public interest groups and corporate social accountability. N.Y.,San Francisco, Council on Economic Priorities, 1977«
115 p.
F9r3'. 53,7'PfS'
y P VL 0 L-987
Political and military implications of the ‘'Fuclear winter” theory	N Y ,1987
49p	/Inst for last-West
secur stud.Occas paper ser 5/
LT 0
r 915.2
L-987 Lynch John E.
Local economic development after military base closures. N.Y.a.o., Praeger,1970.
xxiv, 550 p.
L-987 Lynch R.G.
The police manager. Boston, Holnrook Press,Inc.,1975.
viii,26O p.	Index:pp.255-260.
/7 551 L-962
Lynd S. and Alperovitz G.
Strategy and program. Two essays toward a new American socialism. Boston, Beacon Press,1975.
xv, 109 p.
L-988 Lynd, Staughton
intellectual Origins of American Radicalism. N.Y.»Vintage Books,1969.
VIII,185 p. Index:pp.176-185.
B 37-6
Lyne R.
Engaging with Russia: The next phase. A Report to the trilateral commission.-Washington, Paris. Tokyo, 2006.-182p.
r 926
L-9S9 Lynn J.T. and Schultze Gh.L.
The federal budget: what are the nation’s priorities? Wash.,Amer.Enterprise Institute for Public Policy Research,1976.
54 p. (Rational debate series)
I 0/ f~$'O
Lynn-Jones Senn M. , Miller'S.
America’s Strategy in a Changing World. USA, 1993
E 31
L 939
Lynn,Naomi B.and McClure,Arthur F.
The Fulbright premise:senator J.William Fulbright’s views on presidential power. Lewisburg, Bucknell U.P.,1973.
224 p. Bibliogr.p.187-216. Index p.219-224.
E 31 ;B 37-601;B 37-8
B 37-332.1;IT 5
r 822
L-991 Lyon P.V.
Canada—United States free trade and Canadian independence. Ottawa,Information Canada,1975.
42 p.
13 3"? ' 2' /