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K35 G-786
The great contemporary issues.The mass media and politics.Ed.by James E.Fixx. N.Y.,Arno Press,1972.
x, 636 p.
B 0 G-786	Crreat decisions »78. Wash., Foreign policy assoc 1977. 96p.,ill.
B 0
B 37-6
B 37-64
I 50;B 225-641
G-786 Great issues of international politic.The international system and national policy.Ed.by Morton A.Kaplan. Chicago,Adline Publ.Co.,1970.
xiii,432 p.
G-786 Great issues of international politics.The international system and national policy. 2nd ed. Ed,by Morton A Kaplan. Chicago,Adline,1974.
xvi, 59S p.	Index:pp.597-598.
Gr-786 Great lakes water quality.Agreement with annexes and texts and terms of reference, between the United States of America and Canada.Signed at Ottawa April 15, 1972. Wash.,GPO,1972.
69 P.
Bl -
G-786 The great power struggle in China.
Hong Kong, Asia Research Centre,1969.
503 p. Bibliogr.:pp.5Ol-5O3.
G-786 A great society? Ed.by Bertram M.
Gross. N.Y.-L.,Basic Books,1968.
XII,362 p.	Index:pp.351-362.
n 332 G-786	The great transformation. Alternative futures for global society.Selections from the ’'Futurist” .Ed.by Edward Cornish, Bethesda,World future soc-1983. 160p.,ill.
n 332 B 37-7	6317
Greater coal utilization.Joint hearings before the comm.on interior and insular affairs and public works U.S. Senate. 99-th congr.,1st sess. Pts 1-3. Wash.,GPO,1975.
P.	1.	VI,	790 p.
P.	2.	VI,	pp.791-1705.
P.	3.	VI,	pp.1709-2469.
S p K 32 G-788
K 32
Greb,G Allen
Science advice to presidents :from test bans to the strategic defense initiative San Diego,1987
21p /IGCC research paper Ko 3/
Pt 222.5
G-788 Grebenc Bernard F.
Resolutions on arms control and disarmament Canada's record at the UN. Working Paper 19.-Ottawa:Canadian Institute for International Peace and Security,1989.-79 p.
G-795 Greece and Turkeya some military implications related to NATO and the Middle East.Prep.for the Special subcomm, on investigations of the comm.on foreign affairs by the congressional research service, library of Congress, Febr. 28,1975. Wash.,GPO,1975.
IX, 65 p.
G-79.5 Greece! February 1971» A Staff Report prep.for the use of the comm.on foreign relations,U.S,Senate. Wash., GPO.1971.
VI 16 p.
B2 G-793
Greece, Spain, and the Soithern NATO strategy.Hearings before the subcomm.on Europe of the comm.on foreign affairs... 92 congr.jlst sess. Wash.,GPO,1971» 582 p.
r 53
U~793 Greek—Turkish relations: beginning of a new era? Report prep.for the comm, on foreign aggairs and its subcomm. on Europe and the Middle East U.S.House -Wash- :«10,1989.-xi,28 p._ (100th Congr.,2nd sess.).
C53; B37-64