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B 37-28/29
G 573 Goals for Americans. Comprising the Report of the President’s Commission on National Goals and Chapters Submitted for the Consideration of the Commission. Wash., A Spectrum Book, 1960. - 372 p.
258 d
G-575 Goals in a global community.The original background papers for "Goals for mankind".A report to the club of Rome. Ed.by Ervin Laszlo and Judah Bierman . Vol. I. - Studies on the conceptual foundations. N.Y.,Toronto ,Oxford,Sydney,Frankfurt »Paris, Pergamon Press,1977.
xiii, 555 p. Bibliogr.:pp.527--529; Index:pp.552-555.
9	r50 \T233. S'/
B37	'	'
G-573	goals of the Coram, on Com-
merce, Science, and Transportation for the second session of the 98th Congress.Printed at the Directory of Hon.Bob Packwood,Chairman for the use of the Comm, on commerce,science,and transportation U.S.Senate. Wash., GPO,1984.
v,40 p. (98th congr.,2d sess.) B37-532.2 ’ P T96-69; f90-68
! 90-58
Goddard. Frederick Owen
A two-sector model of economic growth with technological progress.By Frederick Owen Goddard. Gainesville Univ.of Florida Press,1969.
62 p.
G-583 Godfrey, E.Drezel, Jr. and Harris D.R.
Basic elements of intelligence.A manual of theory,structure and procedures for use by law enforcement agencies against organized crime. Wash.,GPO, 1971.
xiii,150 p.	Bibliogr.:pp.144-150
^3/2; zT.35
B 37-42 Godson R.
G 589 American labor and European politics: the AFL as a transnational force. - N.Y.: Crane, Russak and company, 1976. - 230 p.
77/	-
Godson R.
. , Dirty Tricks or Trump Cards.
U.S.Covert Actuion and Counterintelligence. USA, 1995
Godson R. , May E. , Schmitt G.
U.S.Intelligence at the Crossroads.
Agendas for Reform. USA, I$95
Goetz Billy E.
Study guide: answers and comments for quantitative methods.A survey and guide for managers.	N.Y.a.o.,McGraw-
X,321 p.
Goh Keng Swee
The Economics of Modernization
Singapore, 1995
Goh Keng Swee
The Practice of Economic Growth.
Singapore, 1995
40J8 c
B 11
G-617 Golan, Galia
Yom Kippur & After. The Soviet Union & the Middle East Crisis.-Cambr., a.o.: Cambridge U.P., 1977.-IX, 350 p.-Bibliogr.:p.317-329.-Index:p.330-350.-(Soviet & East European Studies).
B11; B 2; B 37-64
B 37-64 Golan,Matti
G 617	The secret conversations of Henry
Kissinger.Step-by-step diplomacy in the Middle East. N.YQuadrangle 1Q76.
280 p. Index p.27zl-280.
B 37-64;B 37-8;B 37-613
Gold and the balance of payments. 5th ed. The First National Bank of Chicago,1969.
27 p.
B 57-64 G 618
Gold,Fern Racine and Conant,Melvin A. Access to cil-the united States relationships with Saudi Arabia and Iran.Print.at the request of Henry M.Jackson.Cora.on energy and natural resources .Senate .Dec .1977 •	’<7ash.,
115 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess. ,1).
•R 57-64;n 57-62;I‘ 932