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Evaluating nuclear utilities1 performance: nuclear regulatory commission oversight# 28th report by the comm, on government operations. Wash.,GPO,198O.
v, 61 p. (96th congr.,2d sess.
E-92 Evaluation and reauthorization of the special supplemental food program for women, infants, and children (WIG). Hearings before the comm, on agriculture, nutrition, and forestry U.S.Senate and the subcorom. on nutrition of the comm.on agriculture, nutrition, and forestry U.S.Senate.98th congr., 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1984.
178 p.
B37-296; T927; r918.1
H 50
E 92
Evaluation of fiscal yoar 1979 anrs control impact statements : toward more informed (Congressional participation in national socuirty policymaking.Rep.prep.for the Sub-cowa.on intern.security and scientific affairs of the Coran.on intern relations.U.S.House of ropr.Jan.5, 1979» Wash.,CPO,1978.
185 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Soss.,2)
K 50;H 57;
B 57-611.2
B 37-611.3
E-92 An Evaluation of the administration’s proposed nuclear non-proliferation strategy.Report to the Congress by the Comptroller general of the United State Oct.4.1977.-Wash.:GAO,1977.-70p.
B 37-611.3,Id 30, Id 31,B 37- 5391, B 37-603,Id 35, B 37-64
E—92	Evalutation of the authorities
and programs of the Economic Development Administration.Assessment by a nationwide sample of local, private and public sector leaders. Wash. ’ GP0,1982.	’
37 p. (97th congr.,2d sess.).
E-92 Evaluation of the decision to begin production of the Roland missile system.	Wash.,Comptroller
Cernerai of the U.S.,1979.
iii,20 p.	(Report to The
Congress by The Comptroller General of the U.S.).
À/32 > //-3/
E-92 An evaluation of the intergovernmental personnel act of 1970« Wash., IPO, 1979.
v,96 p. (Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S.)
/3 3 7, re 2^8',
É-92 An evaluation of the patent policies of the national aeronautics and space administration.Report of the co: on science and astronautics... 89 con, 2d sess. Wash.,GPO,1966. xi, 174 p.
E-92 Evaluation of U.S. efforts to promote nuclear non-proliferation treaty. Wash.,GPO,1980.
vii,75 p. (Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S.).
<337-6//, 2_
г 926.2
Е 92
Ър. 2249
Evanoff D.D., Israilevich Ph.R.
Deregulation, cost economies and allocative efficiency of large commercial banks /Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago. -Chicago, 1990. - 23, 8 p. - (Issue in financial regulation. Working Paper Series).
Г926.2; Г926
E-92 Evans, Eli N.
The provinsials. A personal his tory of Jews in the South. N.Y., Atheneum,1973*
xiv, 369 p. Index:pp.361-369
3 37'7 ' /337'7-
E-92 ^vans Hooper,Mary and Chandler, M.O.
Earned degrees conferred:1§68-69 Part B - Institutional data. Wash GPO,1971.
xi, 521 p.
X- 33/?^
E-92 Evans Hooper, Mary
Earned degrees conferred:1969-1970.
Summary data. Wash.,GPO,1972.
v, 37 p.
/4 3 3^-2?
E-92 Evans Hooper,Mary
Students enrolled for advanced degrees.Fall 1970.Institutional data. Wash.,GPO,1971.
xi, 293 p.
E-92 Evans Hooper,Mary
Students enrolled for advanced degrees.Fall 1970.Summary data. Wash., GPO,1971.
vi, 4^ p.