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E-65 Era of negotiations.European security and. force reductions.By Wolfgang Klaiber and others. Lexington,Mass., Lexington Books,1973.
xiv, 192 p.
B 11
Mezhdunarodniki.An assessment of professional expertise in the making of Soviet foreign policy. Ramat Gan.»Turtledove,1979.
331p. Index pp.329-331.
B 11
Г 980
Е-65 Erb,Richard D.
National security and economic policies. With a forew. by P.G. Peterson Wash., Amer.Enterprise Inst.,1976.
p.p. 159-178. (Amer. Enterprise Inst.Repr. № 41,May 1976).
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E—66	ERDA authorization. - Parts I-VI.
Hearings before the subcomm, on energy research,development and demonstration of the comm, on science and technology. U.S.House of repres.94th congr. ,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1975.
P. 1. 1976 and transition period conservation. vi, 659 p. Bibliogr.: pp. 647-659.
r&tf.-T, /<3-23
I 90-68
- 2 -
P. II. 1976 and transition period geothermal. v, 314 p.
P. III. 1976 and transition period solar heating and cooling.	XVI,436 p
P. IV. 1976 and transition period s< solar and physical research. XIII,700
P. 5. 1976 and transition period.
Ill, 798 p.
P. VI. 1976 and transition period environment and safety. V, 839 P*
S', ' /c3Z3>.
E—66	1976 ERDA authorization.Hearings
before the subcomm, on the environment and the atmosphere of the comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.94th congr.,1st sess. Wash., GPO,1975. 146 p.
E-56	1976 ERDA authorization.Hearings be-
fo e the subcomm. on energy research,development and demonstration (Fossil fuels of the comm, on science and technology U.S.House of repres.94th congr.,1st sess Wash.,GPO,1975.
IV, 885 p.
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E-56 ERDA authorization,1976 and transition period overview.Hearing... comm.on science and technology,House of repre., 94th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1975» ii, 557 p.
A r3o-es/ rs3i z/z r«2(. 6"; KH3
I5 90 ERDA authorization. 1978»Hearings befo-E 56 re...Vol.1-4.' 'Wash.,GEO,1977.
4 vol. (U.S.Congr
E-56 ERDA authorization fiscal year 1977« Part II- Solar energy.Hearings before the subcomm.on energy research,development and demonstration of the comm.on science and technology.U.S.House of repres.94th congr.,2nd sess.Part II. Wash.,GPO,1976
P. 2.	V,418 p.
r 90
E-56 ERDA authorization fiscal year 1977-Overview. Hearing before the comm.on science and technology.U.S.House of repres. 94th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO.1976.
111,1075 p.
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E-56 ERDA authorization, fiscal year 1977. Parts III-VI, Hearings before the subconu on energy research, development and demonstration of the comm.on science and technology.U.S,House of repres.94th cong: 2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1976.
P.III.Geothermal. VII,442 p.
IV.	Basic energy sciences. VII,
V.	Environment and safety. V,283p,
VI.	Ill, 1364 p.
• rso; rgc-td' roo'bg'/
555 p p p
r 90 . - •
E-56 ERDA authorization.Fiscal year 3977.
Pt.1- Hearings...subcomm.on energy research, development and demonstration of tl comm.on science and technology,U.S.house of repr.,94th congr.,2nd sess. Wash., G.P.O.,1976.
P.1.-Conservation.	v,699 p.
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E-66 ERDA authorization hearings for fiscal year 1973 on nuclear power :issues and choices.A report of the nuclear energy policy study group by the subcomm.on fossil and nuclear energy research,development and demonstration of the comm.on
science and technology,House of repr. 95th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO, 1977.
viii,108 p.
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r 90 ERDA authorisation, 1978.Hearings be-E 56 bore the Comnuon science and. technology House of•repr.Vol.1-4. Wash.,GEO,1977
4 vol, (U.S.Congress) .
Vol.l;Fcbr.22,1977*	1977»	1588 p
per. ■ Vol.2.Fossil fuelsiFebr.25»March 1, 1977. • 1977.	520 p. ■
Vol.3.Nuclear energy.Febr.25,24,25;
March 5,4,8,51,19g.	1977-	1622 p.