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B 37-6
Daalder, Ivo H.
America unbound: the Bush revolution in foreign policy / Ivo H. Daalder, James M. Lindsay. - Washington : Brookings Institution Press, 2003. - VII, 246 p. - Ind. : p. 229-246.
H 21
Daalder Ivo H.
NATO strategy and ballistic missile _ defence.-L.:The International Institute for Strategic Studies,1988. -88 p.-(Adelphi Papers 233).
If 21
^â-ni Daalder Ivo H.
The SDI challenge to Europe. /With a foreword by Stanley Hoffmann. Cambridge,Mass.: Ballinger Publishing Comapny.1987.-xvi,185 p.-Bi-liogr.:pp.161-173; Index:pp.175-183.
H45;B37-601.l; f9O-65; B37-602;
H 37; 1^35
B 36 D-116	Dabringhaus,Erhard - Klaus Barbie:the shocking story of how the U.S.used this Nazi war criminal as an intelligence agent. Wash.»Acropolis, 1984. 208p.,ill.»maps. Index pp.207-208.
B 36 B 37-67	7025 c
D-121 Dadant P.M.
American and Soviet defense systems vis-a-vis the Middle East, Santa Monica, Calif-Hand Corp.,1970.
53 p.
D-124 Daft Richard L. and Becker Selwyn V/.
The innovative organization.Innovation adoption in school organizations Richard L. Daft & Selwyn W.	N.Y.,Ox-
ford, Shannon,Elsevier North-HoHan, Inc 1978.
x, 229 p.	Bibliogr.:pp.216-222;
n 332 D 131	Dahl,Robert A. After the revolution? Authorityin a good society	New Haven- Lnd ,Yale U.P.,1973. 171 p.
n 332	47196 9
E 312
D-131 Dahl,Robert A.
Democracy in the United States:pro mise and performance.3d ed. Chicago, Rand McNally,1976.
xvii,514 p. Index:p.503-514.
9 r 3/^ B 3^o/ ■ /3 30- /30
D-131 Dahl Robert A.
Modern political analysis. Englewood Cliffs, N. J.,Prentice-HaL 1,196.5.
x, 118 p.
n 5 D-131	Dahl,Robert A. Modern political analysis. 4 cd. Englewood Cliffs,N.Y., 1984. XIV,157p. /Prentice-Hall foundat.of modern political science ser./. Index pp.149-157«
IT 5	6354C
Dahl Robert A., Neubauer D
R-287 Readings in modern political analysis. Englewood Cliffs,19&8*
XII, 424 p.
B 37-611.3
D-131 Dahlitz, Julie.
Nuclear Arms Control with effective international agreements. - London -Boston : George Allen & Unwin, 1983. -238 p. - Bibliogr. : p. 217-238. - Ind. : p. 233-238.
B 37-64
B 37-64 Dahrendorf R., Sorensen T.
D 131 Domestic Change & Foreign Policy: A Widening Atlantic? - N.Y.: Council on Foreign Relations, 1986. - 107 p.
B 37-64
Dahrendorf,Ralf and Sorensen, Theodore 0.
A widening Atlantic tic change and foreignpoll y. Ed.by A,J.Pierre.
B 37-64
B 37-64
Dahrendorf, Ralf.
A widening Atlantic? Domestic change and foreign policy / Ralf Dahrendorf, Theodore C. Sorensen, ed. by A. J. Pierre. - New York : Coucil on foreign relations, 1986. - XII, 107 p. - (Europe / America 4)..
776d, 16562