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B 2 Buteux.Paul
B-983 æhe politics of nuclear consultation in NATO 1965-1980. Cainbr. ,a.o. ,Cambr.U.P. ,1983.
XIII,292p. /Intern.studies/ Bibliogr.pp.272-283 Index pp.184-292.
B 2
B 37-612	6313
5913 c
B 2
B-983 Buteux, Paul
Strategy, Doctrine, & the Politics of Alliance. Theatre Nuclear Force Modernisation in NATO.-Boulder:Westview Press, 1983.-158 p.-Index;p.143-151.--Bibliogr.:p.143-151.
B 37 B 986	Butler, David. The fall of Saigon. Scenes from the sudden end of a long war. - New York : Simon and Schuster, 1985. - 510 p. - Ind. : p. 495-510.
B 37-68 B 37-64	15664

'I It)
937 The Soviet Union and the law of the sea. Baltimore and Lnd. »Hopkins press,1971 •
245 p- Index p.239-245-
BO-S 46
E p.
B 37-611.2
B 988
But terwoaih, Robert Lyle
The arms control impact statement:gauging the effects. Pittsburg’, Penn, 1980.
69p. /Center for intern, security stud.,Univ.of Pittsburg:, 0 c cas.paper,No,19 80/4/.
B 37-611.2
B 37-602
B 37-602
Butterworth, R. L.
Managing interstate conflict, 1945-1974: data with synopses / Robert Lyle Butterworth and Margaret E. Scranton.
- Pittsburg : University of Pittsburg, 1976. -VII, 535 p.-Ind. :p. 521-535.
B 37-603
op. 2317
B 988 Butterworth R.L.	.
Space systems and the military geography of future regional conflicts. - Los Alamos,New Mexico: ONES, 1992. - 10 p. - (Center for National Security studied. Report N 14. Jan. 1992).
^45;	90-65;
46; B 37-66
>1 2
B-988 Buttress B.A.
World guide to abbreviations of organizations.5th ed.,Leighton Buzzard, Leonard Hill Books,1974« 470 p.
K 22
B-989	Buttrick,John A,
Educational problems in Ontario and some policy options. Toronto, Ontarion Econ,Council,1977.
vj., 134' p.vjith tabl.
B-992 Buying guide issues.1978.Consumer reports.This is the December 1977 issue of consume reports Vol. 42, No.12.
Mount Vernon, N.Y.,Consumers Union,1977« 452 p.	Index:pp.427-429.
B 0
B-992 Buzan,Barry
A sea of troubles?Sources of dis pute in the new Ocean regime. L., International Institute for Strategic Studies,1978.
50 p. (Adelphi Papers.№143) •