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A-939 Author, title, and subject index to the social security bulletin 1938-1979» Wash.,U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.1982.
132 p.
51132	•	Jp.964
6543c (6543a)
A-939 Authoritarianism and the return of democracy in Latin America.Hearings before the subcomm, on Western hemisphere affairs of the comm, on foreign affairs.House of repres.98th congr.,2nd sess.-Wash.:GPO,1984.~ -200 p.
Authority for regulation of export 1972.Hearings before the subcomm.on international finance of the comm, on banking,housing and. urban affairs... 92 congr.,2cl sess.March 15» 14, 1972. Wash.,GPO,197 255 p.
A-959 Authority to issue final report by special prosecutor.Hearing before the subcomm. on criminal justice of the comm, on the judiciary.House of repres.94th congr.,lst sess. Wash GPO,1975.
Ill, 50 p.
BO A-939
Authority to order the use of nuclear weapons (United States, United Kingdom,France,Soviet Union, People’s Republic of China).Prep, for the subcomm.on international security and scientific affairs of the comm.on international relations by the congressional research service.-Wash.:GP0,1975.-IX,29 p.--(94th conr^^lst sess)^0>B^^^, ’ E32
Authorization for average annual strengths for the military services for fiscal year 1972.Supplemental manpower hearing before the comm, on armed service. 92 congr.,1st sess.April 15>1971. Wash.,GPO,1971.
120 p.
A-959 Authorization for fiscal year 1975 for U.S.Information Agency.Hearing before the Subcomm.on State Dept.organization and foreign operations of the Com. on for. Affairs.House of repre., 92d congr.,2d sess. Wash.,1972.
101 p.
A-939 Authorization for military procurement research and development»fiscal year 1971 and reserve strength.Hearings before the comm, on armed services. •. 91 congr.,2d sess.Part 1. Wash.,GPO, 1970.
824 p. Index: pp. xxiv.
A-95 9	Authorization for military procure-
ment .research and development,fiscal year 1971, and reserve strength.Hearings before the comm, on armed services 91 congr.,2d sess. Part Wash. ,GPO, 1970.
pp. 16^5-2492. Index: pp. xii. P3 pp. 825-1654. Index: pp. xxv. pg
B 37 A-939
Authorization for the White House staff.Hearing...subcomm.on emplpyge ethics and. utilization of the comm.on post office and. civil service,House of repr.,95th congr.,1st sess. Wash., GPO,1977.
37 p.
4k b	^2. /; r 3/- £32. -^^
B 37-62
A-939	Authorization request for foreign
assistance, the department of state and USIA for fiscal years 1990-91. (Part 9). Markup before the comm, on foreign affairs. House of repr. 101st congr., 2nd sess. - Washington : GPO, 1990. - 500 p.
B 37-69	16903
f 980
B37 A-939
Authorizing additional appropriations for tne department of state for migration and refugee assistance for fiscal years 1980 and 1981.Hearing before the comm, on foreign relations U.S.Senate. 96th congr.,lst sess. on S.1668.October 4,1979» Wash.,GPO, 1980.
27 p.
W	/537'6 k’
Authorizing appropriations,fiscal year 1973»for military procurement,research and development,certain construction for the safeguard antiballistic missile system,active duty and reserve strength,and for other purposes.Report together with Additional views from the comm, on armed serv. Wash.,GPO,1972.
115 p. (92 congr.,2d sess.).
PI 31
A 959
Authorizing appropriations,fiscal year 1977,for military procurement; research and development;strengths for active-duty military components, ...Rep...March 26,1976. Wash.,GPO, 1976.'
169 p.	(U.S.Gongr.,94.Sens.,
PI 31 ;r 926.5
K 31
A 939
Authorizing appropriations, fiscal year 1978,for military procurement,research and development,and civil defense;and prescribing strengths for active-duty and reserve military components p-nd civilian personnel of the defense establishment,and military training student loads;and for other purposes.A rep.Apr.7,1977«	Wash.,GPO,
1977.	_
160 p. (U.S.0ongr.,95.Sess.,