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A-479 AMA management handbook.Ed.byRussell F.Moore.	N.Y.,1970.
Pag. var.
r SM 0(01)
A-491 Ambassador young’s African trip. Hearing before the subcomm, on African affairs of the comm, on foreign relations.U.S.Senate.95th congr. 1st sess.-Wash.:,GPO,1977.-29 p.
B 37-8
A-496 Ambrose, Stephen E.
Eisenhower. In 2 vol. Vol. II. The President. - New York : Simon & Schuster, 1984. - 750 p. - Bibliogr.: p. 715-719. -Ind. : p. 721-750.
A-495 Ambrose Stephen E.
Rise to globalism.American foreign policy since 1938» -3rd ed.-N.Y.:.Pengiun Books,1985.- 448 p.-Index:pp. 425-448.-Bibliogr.:pp.418-424.
B30; B37-6
B 37-672
A 511
Amending the board for international broadcasting act of 1973«Report by the Comm.on foreign affairs.July 9.1974. Wash.,GPO,1974.
13 p. (93 Congr.,2d Sess.)
14 30
Amending the military selective ser vice act of 1967» to increase military pay.To authorise military active duty strength for fiscal year 1972... Comm, on armed ser. Wash.,GPO,1971.
92 p. (92 congr.,1st sess.)
r 984- Amending the trading with the ene«*-
A 511 my act .Hearing "before the Subcomm, on intern.finance of the Comm.on banking, housing,and urban affairs.Senate. Sept.8,1977. Wash.,GPO,1977.
17 p. (U.S.Congr.,95.Sess.,1).
£984;E 55;E 31;P98O;
7*984.1 ;B 57-62 g|
B37-533	*	. ..	_	_
A-511	Hme ding reorganization plan No.2
of 1973.Hearing before a subcomm.of the comm.on government operations... 93 congr.,lst sess. on H.R.8245.-April 14, 1973. Wash.,GPO,1973.
27 p.
A-511 Amendment No. 1 to the strategic petroleum reserve plan.Hearing before the subcomm.on energy production and supply of the comm.on energy and natural resources.U.S,Senate.95th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1977. 111,164 p.
r 652.^', ^3/3
A-5H Amendments to the council on wage and price stability act.Hearings before the subcomm.on economic stabilization of the comm.on banking,finance and urban affairs.House of repres.95'th congr. 1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1977.
IV,415 p.
rQO‘.	r/
ftS 7 4 <?C‘t rdtrtr32.6
M 32
A 511
Amendments to defense production act of 1950 .Hearing before the Corm, on banking and currency...June 10,1974 Wash.,GPO,1974.
312 p. (U.S.Congr»,93.Sess.,2).
■A—511	-Amendments to the federal adviso-
ry committee act.Hearing before a subcomm, of the comm, on government operations... 95 congr.,lst sess. on H.H. 6869. Wash.,GPO,1975.
65 P.