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r 982
Aid activities in Laos.Hearing before the subcomm.on U.S.security agreements and commitments abroad of the comm on foreign relations... 92 congr.,2d ses; Wash.,GPO,1972.
26 p.
A-288 The AID excess property program should be simplified. Wash.,GPO, 1980.
iv,38 p. (By The Comptroller General of the U.S. Report to the Congress. ).
re go; rstfz
A-288 Aid that counts.The Western contribution to development and survival in Nicaragua. Amsterdam, Transnational Institute, 1988.
xiv,157 p.
A-291 Aiken G.
The backbencher.Trials and tribula tions of a member of parliament. Toronto, McClelland and Stewart Limited, 1974.
190 p.
A-293 Alles Catherine P. and Pardee Arthur E.
Cooperation in science and technology. An evaluation of the U.S.-Soviet agreement. Boulder and London., Westview Press,1986.
xxiii, 334 p. ^Bibliogr.:pp.329-
f9O-73; B37-64;
Bll A-293
Ailes Catherine P. and Rushin Franics The science race: training and utilization of scientists and engineers, U.S. and USSR.-N.Y.: Grane Rus-sak, 1982. - XVII, 254 p. - Bibliogr.: pp. 241-249. - Index:pp. 251-254.
K33; K32

Air force civil engineer cost accounting system reports should be used more effectively. Wash., GPO,198O.
iii, 11 p. (By the U.S. General Accounting Office Report to the Secretary of Defense).
E 47
A 298
Air pollution control» An act.
Nov. 15, 1990. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of repr of the USA in Congress assembled. - Wash.: GPO, 1990. - 104 STAT.2399-104 STAT.2712.
- (Public law 101-549« 101st Congr.)
■^ir quality and automobile emission control.■& report by the Coordinating comm, on air and quality studies.National academy of sciences.National academy of eng. Prep.for the comm.on public works.Vol. 1-5. Wash. ,GPO,1974.
Vol. 1-3.
A-298 Air quality and stationary source emission control.A report by the commission on natural resources National Academy of Sciences .National Academy of Engineering National Research Council.Prep.for comm.on public U.S.Senate. Wash.,GPO,1975.
xliv, 909 p. (94th congr. ,1st.. sess).
("QC - 7f 'f
r 90
A-298	Aircraft/airport noise control.
Hearings before a subcomm.of the comm, on government operations.House of repres.95th congr.,1st sess. Wash., GPO,1977.
VI,827 p.
r9O't riO'K'
/3 37-s 33', r9/<f-/', EW
A-298 Aircraft and airport noise reduction. Hearings before the subcomm.on aviation of the comm.on commerce, science, and transportation.U.S.Senate.95th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1978.
IV,597 p.
A-298 Aircraft fuel efficiency program.
Hearing before the comm, on aeronautical and. space sciences.U.S.Senate.9^+th congr.,1st sess. Wash.,GPO,1975» 340 p.
B37-613 A-298
Aircraft hijacking convention.Hearings before the comm, on foreign relations... 92 congr.,lst sess. Wash GPO,1971.
99 P.
5 3?-6Z3
■Aircraft noise abatement.Hearings before the subcomm.on aeronautics and space technology of the comm.on science and astronautics... 93 congr.,2d sess. Wash.,GPO,1974.
v, 1038 p.