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A-176 Acharya Amitav
A new regional order in South-East Asia: ASEAiT in the post-xold war era.: Thewfactors and policy resposes that will shape ASEN’s contribution to regional security and order.-L.:Brassey’s for The International Unstitute for Stra tegix Studies,1993»-91.-(Aselphi Bfper
A-177 Acheson Dean.
Present at the creation.My year in the State Department. N.Y.,W.W. Norton & Co.,1969.
XIV, 798 p. Index: pp.779-798.
B 37-8 A-177	Acheson, D. Present the creation: my years in the State Department. - New York : W.W. Norton & Company, 1969. - XIV, 798 p. - Ind.: p. 779-798.
B37-6	595d
B 37-8
A-177 Acheson, D.
Present the creation: my years in the State Department. - New York : W.W. Norton & Company, 1969. - XIV, 798 p. - Ind. : p. 779-798.
B 37-532
A-177 Acheson, Dean.
Private thoughts on public affairs. A citizen looks at congress and a democrat looks at his party by Dean Acheson. - New York : Harcourt, Brace & World, 1967.
E31	465
R 334.16
B36 A-177	Acheson, Dean This vast external realm.	N.Y Norton,1973. 298 p.
r918.1 A-175
Achieving price stability through economic growth.Report of the joint economic comm.Congress of the U.S. together with supplementary and minority views. Wash.,GPO,1974.
111,145 p.
r 932.9
Achieving a production goal of one-million barrels per day of coal liquids by 1980. Subcomm, on economic stabilization of the comm, on banking, finance and urban affairs House of repres. Wash.,GPO,1980 Pa g. va r.
C$0 "by
A-178 Achinstein Peter.
Concepts of science. A philosophical analysis. Baltimore, Md.The Johns Hopkin s, 1968.
xiii, 266 p.
r 90
Acid rain.Hearings before the subcomm, on oversight and investigations of the comm, on interstate and foreign commerce.House of repres. 96th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO, 1980.
784 p.
B 37-611
A-181 Acimovic, L.
Problems of security and cooperation in Europe / Trans, by Morgot & Bosko Milosavljevic. - Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherland : Sijthoff & Noordoff, 1981. -348 p. - Ind. : p. 345-348.
B 37-61	17112
B 37-613