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		Wort eil v St. ■
UorZ	Lîjû	13и.o Wb кu_B oL
		-S£a.иiь+ эvv yVorcell. Warsx^^g; 19МУ
—	—	<
The world almanac and book of facts
1970. Ed. Luman H. Long. N-J.,1969
952 p.

16th World Congress of Philosophy» 1978. 27 aug.—2 sep.
Section Papers. Dusseldorf,1978. vi,714 p.
XV ^>\лкос, КСМгр.
World Congress of Philosophy, XV.
Varna, 1973.
Abstracts of communications.
Varna, 1973.
/144 ₽./. Index:p.132-142.
(International federation of philosophical societies).
Текст на англ., нем., русск. и франц, языках.
Парал.тит.лист на русск.яз.
XV World Congress of Philosophy. Dialectics and humanism. Warszawa, 1975.
240 s. (The polish philosophical quarterly).
М5 конто
XVth World Congress of Philosophy.
17 -22 September 1973-49?b Proceedings ...
T.1 — Philosophy and science.Mora lity and culture.Technolc^^^id man. Sofia,1973.	395 p.	Ha
англ.,нем.и русск.яз.
с-с. к.
T.2. — Reason and action inthe transformation of the world. Philosophy in the process of the scientific and technological revolution. Knowledge and values in the scientific and technological era. Structurae and methods of contemporary scientific knowledge. Sofia, 1975.	589 p.
Текст на англ..,нем. ,рус:.и франц.яз..
О'. С »К
- 3 -
Т.5 ~ Nature and existence of man.Humanism and technological revolution. Language,logic and action. Man,logos and history. Society and its norms. Sofia,1974.	53624 ₽. Текст на
- 4 -
Т.4 - Man and his personal freedom. Responsibility and creativity in art and literature. Problems of determinism. The future of philosophy.
Sofia, 1974.	436 p. Текст, нас
англ., »нем», русский франц» яз.
- 5 -
Т.5 - Problems of contemporary logic. Methodological problems of science. Philosophy and the study of religion. Linguistics and anthropology. Contemporary metaphysics. Contemporary studies in the history of philosophy. Sofiy, 1975.	843 p.
Текст на англ, »нем-^русск.и франц.яз-
— 6 —
Т.6 — Philosophical aspects of psychology. Philosophy of education. Philosophy of law and philosophy of politics. Additional materials: Opening session. Man,science, technology. Technology, peace and contemporary marxism. Cirpho. Closing session. Sofia, 1975.
861 p.. Текст на англ,,нем.,русск. и франц ..яз.
World Congress of Philosophy, XV. fcewrp	Varna, 1973»
Homme, science, technique. Philosophie,?.I,II. Prep.par l’institut de phi^ losophie de lxAcademie des Sciences de l'U.R.S.S. Moscou, Redaction "Scienet ces Sociales Aujourd'hui”,1973.
I - p.1-141.
II- p.142-260.
World Congress of Philosophy, XV. Varna, 1973.
Man, science, technology. Philoso-^h phy.	Prep, by the Inst, of Phi-
losophy, USSR Academy of Science. Moscow, 1973«
P.I - p.1-136;
P.II- p.137-252.
Ye I
XV World Goneress of Philosophy. 17.IX-22.IX.i973»yarna, Bulgaria.
Zeleny, J.
Die marxistische und die phanomenoS logische Auffassung der sog. Krise der Wissenschaft. Varna, 1973»
24 S. (Institut für Philos.und So-ziol.der Tschechoslowakischen Akademie der Wissenschaften). Anmerkungen: S.:23-24.
- — [ s.n V cou,.			,	
	3- —	World Congres of sociology. 5^1 Washington, 2-8 September,
	—	1962. Trans act ions, vt s. I-1 y. Louvain, International Sociological Association, 1962.			 Vol.I - The sociologist, the po^
		licy-makers and the public. The na-