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£>4655 Чех "Тсъ »л	То	"ldi La 'Sü/zs/à V é IA (\ p . >
		SûUCàSnà	f/|p>ofie.
		jcosb/enjKà	noit pro si'reni'
	РоГ>	ticKych ds fed&cK\/cl\ -zn^losti ■
	1 Ppi	Jià. Orbh, I^S'S
		Z-14 5» • Q Mali mode,™/ LHc^kIope.die
К рго’ь\о.гл\л	S^>G,eCen5
l^è’no \ьстсчп\, ProU>„WSS.
	Гоп	Л/ Ladii/a.r
Тол		К problem L4 Kausa/m ànaJySy
		ücenskelio J го/па.и Л	РгаЬл /9J<P
	г	9£ 4.	dxsKô slo/e-nske'
	A KS	zZJ -ИЗ"# Se.6ii~ о )
TonQued.ec J.
La philosophie de la nature.Premiere partie. La nature en general.(Troisième Fascicule). Gb.3. Le Mouvement. Cb.4. L'espace et le temps. Gb.5. Les categories de l'accident cosmique. Paris.P.Lethielleux. 195b.
186s. / Les Principes de la Philosop hie Thomiste II./
ъчьъ	•	То |оо/ $ К i У.
'M	mJ	ie\/sKi /А TopplsKi f.
		~2^ j^T) A-j~od û 1 <3,0 > i
-	Г/ 1,	; l4bt>
Trager Claus
Die Herder-Legende des deutschen Historismus.: - B.:Akakd.-Verl.,1979.-68 S. - (Zur Kritik der bürgerlichen I Ideologie; 93). - Namenverz.s S. 66-68.
0 co\l,. \cowt>. r	Trasactions of the second, world Congress of sociology. vol.I-II. London,1954 (World Congress of sociology 2)
Transactions of the Fourth World Congress of Sociology:General Theme:Society and Sociological Knowledge:Milan and Stre-sa^-l^ September,1959.-Lnd.international Sociological Association, 1959.
Vol.1:Sociology in its Social Context.-204p.
Vol.2Applications and Hesearch.-289p.
VI co u,
Transactions of the sixth world con
gress of sociology. Evian, 4-11 September 1966. Vol.1—Z
Louvain,international sociological association, 1966.-
Vol.1.	1966.	221 p.
Vol.2	1967.	254 p>
Transactions of the westermarck society.
Vol.3. Copenhagen. 1956.	15?s»
Vol.7. Rainio K.A stochastic model of social interaction. Munksgaard.1961. 138s.,tabl.
Vol.8. Rainio K.A stochastic theory of social contacts. A laboratory study and an application to sociometry.
Munksgaard.1962.	1O3s.,tabl.
ыоч ж
Travaux philoeophiqes en pays socialistes. /Paris,"La nouvelle critique”/,1975.
19£p. (Rechercheres intern. à la lumière du marxisme.N 82.
0 го
Treasury of philosophy. N-Y.,1955.
XXIV,1280 p.
Trentowski В.
Pisma о filozofii religii.
Warszawa 1965»
319s. /Instytut filozofii i socjolo-giiPflUskiej Akademii nauk. Archiwum his-torii filozofii i mysli spolecznej/.
/3. /76
Très grandes filosofos poetas de la Grecâa clasica. Jenofanes, Parmenides, Empedocles. Traduceion de Juan David Garcia Bacca.
Quit o.1954-.
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