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		[M, Klem unrj Л . Kos’in^ . _ J3_ejr.Lùv
		7u ß A Qejjf s к IAH Наг _
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Die philosophische Lehre von K.Marx und ihre aktuelle Bedeutung. Philosophische Kongress der DDR 1968. Berlin,1968
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o^opViibcUe кмлиэ vyxi^wirhvvKS

£эсЛ\«^е\eV. rVe.v» ■ retoU«^- u^d V»rs«j-voh Pgul Na-Vorp-	ßd-
HeidelVet^ , Wei$S>	’ti$H
HS a4os.4closop4c| ^vç2
Г	\ oç>o оН 1 sc'^ es 1 о ь е Io и с h .	
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		R . <Ÿl m Lie г *Frei ей-f-eVb. c4-‘tç. c< H .
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Philo sophi sches Wb*rterbuch/Hrsg. von Brügger W.S.J..-27.bis JO.Tausend.-6.Auf1. Freiburg;Herder,H957--5O3 S.
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Philosophy and literature /Ed. by Griffiths A.P.j Contributors: Lewis H.D., Sutherland. S.,Bambrough R. et al.-Cambridge act.: Cambridge univ. press,1984*-V,233 p.- (Roy.inst.of philosophy lecture ser.;16.Suppl.to philosophy 1983).-Ind.of names:p. 231-233.
Philosophy and Science Fiction / Editors: Peter A.
French; Arizona State University ;Howard K.Wettstein; University of California, Riverside; Guest Co-Editor Eric Schwitzgebel; University of California, Riverside.-Boston,MA & Oxford,UK: Wiley Periodicals, inc,2016.-204 p.-(Midwest Studies in Philosophy Volume XXXIX).
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i	P LJ		 . Q	SG-i P. H C F	Ио}	ЕШкХ2	 The. ">c^]p5 deJe.<?^ii on re-teor-ks
		to.r.. tAc	XHI Wor/d Coh^reS^ of
		jphiloso^/i^.	f4o<cou t 14(a3.	 1тэ b. 1 1 ne. /4cô>ô(₽.mx/ of Scig-иср
	nf	theX U, 5.5. K.}	Z	 Лар.тит. a., на	<=À3-