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Historia,sociedad,individuo:Tema del
XUIII Gongreso Mundial de Pilosofia (Brighton,agosto de 1988)/Acad.de ciencias de la URSS.Inst.de PilosofiajRed.resp.Tabakov E.-M.:Nauka,1988.-208 p.C’Problemas, del mundo contemporaneo JL113)»-Bibl g ..
p.202-204 .
Historical aaterialisa. Basic problems. Rtasiaa text ed. by G.Gle senaam sad G. Kursaaor. M,progress publishers,1968.
333 p.
Historical materialism! theory, mete dology, problèmes. M.,1977»
185 ₽• (Problems of the contemporary world (55)•
Historical Types of Rationality:Proceedings of the First Greek-Soviet Symposium on Science and Society, Athens,October 25-26,1990/Ed.by M.Assimakopulos a.o.; Ins.of Philosophy USSR Academy of Sciences National Technical University of Athens.-Athens:NTU,1992.-585p.
Historischer Materialismus und menschliche Natur./G.Ruckriem. - Köln: Pahl-Rugenstein,1978. - 318 S. - (Studien zur Dialektik)(Politik Wiss.,Zukunf Kleine Bibi.; 109).
Historisches Wörterbuch der Philo-sophie.Hrsg.von J.Ritter. Bd.1— /ZZ • 5^ Basel/Stuttgart,1971 •
Bd.1*: A—C /im 2 T./ Kel.l-lC (ßsSfi]
Bd.3 : G-H /im 3 T./
/Völlig neubearbeitete Ausgabe des "Wörterbuchs der philosophischen Begrif fe" von R.Eisler/
Histori/ of Indian. Philosophy:A Russian Viewpoint/Ed.hy M.Stepanyants.-New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research, 1995.-256 p.
MJ, Hu
History of mankind. Cultural and scientific development.
Vol.1.part.1. Hawkes J. Prehistory. London.Unesco.1963• 365s*
Vol.1.part.2. Woolley Sir Leonardo. The beginnings of civilization. London.Unesco.1963» 863s, XXVII.
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‘Ъ-1-A '	ц -lëaô/Jég |эдеос|'Vp^ ^аэ^эм Ipvre "izjs^e^ l-n?rdoso vTVA'<3“	n-iu|s	TH	hLS
21/880010349 ШИФР: 103498811
History, society and the Individual: Theme of the 18th World congr. of philosophy (Brighton, aug. 1988) / Compl. by Platkovsky V., Cand Sc. *, Ed. Pshennikov S; USSR acad. of sciences. Inst, of philosophy. — Moscow: Nauix, 1988. — 207 p.- (Probl. oi tbf contemporary world; Ser. 127). — Библиогр. в конце отд. ст.
1.Платкоаси8 В. 2.Пшеннкков С. З.Ивстнтут фялософш. Москва. 4.Проблемы современного кжра, сер4 М 127.
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