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? f'assoio'" î, Walter
huf- oler гаиъ 6 6i Scheu und еи«| ' • ScV*evï pSyoVi ol o<£ ie des T^Vl-XV’11 Jahrhunderts. EÀv, ЬеЛгэс, гыг ^ebchlchte oler рЪу сЦ о | о-
<^ie-«.j	L э ч о,еи s» 1 гэ , Beyer -anol Ъ®,
19 %9  _____________________‘ .
VI, 14*6 • (P^Jo
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pue esumcj МЭИ
5}/e S3âjc>^av|^'eqej^çn\^ y о çbu lb - u о <?| e Э'Л'Ц- и о х-ли & 5®’\sc\®Ltx \ Л •л ( ‘иец'илэе^ ‘мормо-| \ д ре=>|э э ц-^_ у о <ё'^5ас>лл эц^. |оь\е Ц е д О ил щ 1	v\\ Э 1 I Э е, Э>-ДХ
Ггэ zer , J. G-.
I in e Ool deh	A stu oly
, • w- ' ' 'n vnn э cj i a sviol religion S' - bl -‘r <= ol.
V- I ■ 1 2.. London , ГИ эспг, i V\ am , 19 IV* 1*2. V.	*
Л/. ). Pa vt. \ . The v-n э<^\с. art.
the evolution о Ç Velmas V. \, xxx h , 41G p.
V, 2.. part \ TV> e	Э rt. a^ol
t Vi e e v о \ u t \ о n oi VsX v-i s v. xl. X1,
A\7 p.
V. 3. part %. Тэ^оо av->ol t4e perils t e ь ou I , КV , A A £ p ,
V. X . p э г t. 3 . T И e dy'v-'^	<^od. I £) I 4
X\\, 30Sp.
v„ 0 part. 4 Adonxs AVt_\5 Osiris.
stuolieiin t^e V^st-ory p-lj о ri «. v>"t э1 rc Vision, v,I OlA xviv, jnp.
Сгл.слеа.. Ч-®Рт.
V. -6 part 4 ,A cl o V"i' S ,A A.'t, ' S O S i ri$ studies tVie In^tory ol orien te I rel t	v. 3.. 19 )4 a ,3 2 I p.
V. 7 P 9 r t 5 . Spirits o { t Vi e. c o Tki 3v>cl o-f- tVie w t I cl v. 1 IS I A X i , J | 9 p ,
8 p 9 r t. S’ Sp'ritsolt^e c o r v> p nc|- o I, tVie wild v. \ *9 I A XU, 3 7 I p . A
ClVl-C^GA Vc^p-T .
15Ц xiv, 4$ъ?.
V, \ О part. 7 Balder t-Vne beaut, kl V. I. I SI 1 XX , 34 G ça.
V. ЛЛ p-art-7 Ba \ d er loe^uti -4-ul...	£ 1Э1У xi, 339 ?.
'л a ; u io^raphy and general vvnolex. IÔ|S Vl\, 23fep.
Frege: tradition and influence / Ed.by Wright C. - Oxford;New York : Blackwell s1981+, - IX,251 P« - Bibli-ogr «:p.2U5-2U6.Ind.:p.2U7—251*
ВС	..Е.г..е	1 <5 v Q.	.	. 				
ш..	П..«ла	Д^и.У1.с.кл.я.>х..._ы..п.о1.		• • • э., РяИV<?.,..1Î.2..1			- Äk-....					
			■	W 				■
ff F геи г е 1 ) Berufs rd .
И \-г--
Е> ег
3иэи- al i s s е г V э .
г' f V» ei ке> t>~
Lea p-z-t 3 v Peher,
Freud S.
The Stanaard edition of the complete psychodogical works of Sigmund Freud. Transi, from the German under the gen. ed. of J.Strachey. In collah with A.Freud. Assisted by A.Strachey and A.Tyson. Vol.II-XIVjXVIII-XXIII. London,The Hogarth press;Inst. of psycho-analysis,1955-1964.
Vide a. c.
vol.II.(1895-1895). Studies on hysteria by J.Breuer and 3.Freud. 1955. XXXI,575 p.$I I.portr.
Lit.7 p.
vol.III.(1895-1899)• Early psycho analytic publications. VII,555 p.
vol.IV.(1900).The interpretation of dreams.(P.I.)	1958. XXXI 1,5^8 p.
Vide a.c.
vol.V.(19oo-1901)»The interpretation of dreams. (P.2) and On dreajms. 1958. ¥1,339-751 p.with ill.
Lit.27 p.
vol.VI.(19o1)• The psychopatholo gy of everyday life. XIV,310 p. with I960.
vol.VII.(1901-1905). A case of
hysteria. -Three and other works.
Lit.10 p.
essays on sexuality 1956. VI,335, I I
Vide a.c.
vol.VIII.(1905). Jokes and their relation to the unconscious. V,258 p.
I I.portr. Bibliogr. :g.2^9-24^.
vol.IX.(1906-1908)• Jensen’s "gn diva" and other works. 1959. VI,279 p.; I I.ill.
vol.X. (1909). Two case histories (Little Hans" and the "Rat man"). 1956. VI,542 p.j2 I.portr.,facs.
Lit.6 p.
Vide a.c.
vol.XI.(1910).Fife lectures on psychp-analysis.-Leonardo da Vinci and other works. 1957. VI,264 p.j2 I.ill. portr.
Lit.10 p.
Vol.XII.(1911-191 ^). The case of Schreber.-Papers on technique and other «orks. 1958. VII,p.jll I.ill.
Lit.12 p.
vol.XIII.(1917-1914).Totem and taboo and other works. 19^7. XV,264 p. with ill.i I.iXL. Lit.10 p.
Vide a.c.
vol.XIV. (1914-1916). On the history of the psycho-analytic movement.-Papers on metapsychology and other works 1957. VII,373 p. I I.portr.
Lit.14 p.
vol.XVII.11917-1919). An infantile neurosis and other works. 1935. VI,303 p I I.pottr.
Lit.9 p.
vol.XVIII.(1920-1922). Beyond the pleasure principle. Group psychology and other works. 1957. VI,295 p.; I I.portr.
Lit.8 p.	Vide a.c.