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EK DE George H.T.,ed.
Ethics and Society:Original Essays on Contemporary Moral Problems/By E.D. Aiken a.o.;Ed.ly B.T.De George.-N.I.jAnchor
Books, "1966. -217p.

Patterns of Soviet Thought:The Origins and Development of Dialectical and Historical Materialism.-Ann Arbor:The Universi ty of Michigan Press,‘197O.-293P«
Bfotf 0-3/
DeGrood D.H.
The Appearance of Reality:Essays in Contemporary Philosophy.-Amsterdam: B.R. Grüner Publishing Co.,1985.-22Op.-(Praxis Philosophical and Scientific Reprints; Vol.11).
Cùe H etn
,ee 1вроэкдемие , ж^знь
i/t U.онсц • А вторизовэн • Пар • с. ср ранц <• РХа-
р*нои. Под ред. S. Срониелэвс^ого.	С п tf,
UOcT^ •

Debates in Nineteenth-Century European philosophy : essential readings a. contemporary responses / ed. by K. Gjesdal. - New York; London: Routledge, 2016.-XXI, 393 p. - (Key debates in the history of philosophy). - Bibliogr.: р/ ХШ-Х1V. - Ind.: p/ 387-393.
Systeme der kumulativen Logik.— München Wien:Philosophia,1985«-265 S.-(Analytica. Unters.au Logik,Ontologie und Suraohphllo-sophie) .-Bibliogr.:S.261-262.Indices.
Hi^oire comparée <Jes= systèmes Ae. yÀïUo^p>V\\e,cor>s\<Aéves relo\t\vemertÇ4ux principes <des> ComG\\SS<?\Vites kum<xine%. 2-me edit, revue, corrioée et ©kuovnentee /. \-4. Pcwis» Eyvnew,	.
A v<
DeGrood D.H.
Haeckel’s Theory of the Unity of Nature A Monograph in the History of Philosophy.-Amsterdam:B.R.Grttner Publ.Co. ,'1982.-98p. “ (Praxis:Philo sophi cal and Scientific Re-prints;Vol.8).
-3 D ei ьЬ, Ckrjsf у О Ул
Г) 3^» THc wiorsl philosopher in э ßli^lo-C^u? t>eVween Phi\Э leVhe/з Э Chrf^VisH Ùei$V аи(й f“h<oph-эиeь а С risVi»^ ^evV-LoHolon, Aulla . ,|П 3 1
Х\Ц Aso ».
Dejiny dialektiky.V. 14-18. ato rod. Bratislava, ’»Pravda”, 1977» 311a.
ft ??,	Dé	iihu PiloS»o£ie »7a red. G. P.
		d J	' Aie xa vxclrn va , ?>,t P»»jc.V\c»v sVteVir» ,
		P. P.juel»v»a	T. 1 *	PraUa(
		Svn laoela (	> IP>4 I >
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		T. 1 Fi\oso^»e awV'»c.ke a ^eueljlv»!
	Spo	eevio^Yi .ÇI4 / s -
W	s 'J	ÇIS'	
\\\дХ-лх 1 ? °	\ ' -d 7b'J_		
’ С Ъ SSS 'Р^л r-	,	Л	 *		
Ö \ 1лл e» p (i\\	V^*5 'JÜ'T.OJ \ -J) 'd. i		
e Q cVa *“S r «TeJ gT	X r'evK\^nAiigi'i\| e e<At pгл4 oxçs^	—	—
- Sa о цэ f\<^-	1 e л о j ptA’evs^ ■£) ,	1	о L г	1 Г	?		
=» J	ü V ÿ W S W \ X J- rtv\(l<	та
Dejiny marxistickej filozofie 19-storo-cia/Eed.sI.S.Narskij a ±.-Bratislava: Pravda,1982.-770s.
Delay Jean.
La psycho-physiologie humaine. Paris. PUF. 1963.
120p. (’’Que sais-je?” Le point des connaissances actuelles. 188.)
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