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6572c B 37-64
W-426 Weisberger»Bernard A.
Cold war,cold peace.The United States and Russia since 1945.-N.Y.:American Heritage^Boston: Houghton Mifflin,1984.-341p.,ill.~ Bibliogr.:pp.319-328.-Index:pp. 329-341
B 37-64,B 36
E 31 Weissbrodt D.
W 429 Immigration law and procedure in a nutshell. St. Paul, Minn, West publishing CO, 1984.-345 p.
W-429 Weiss L.W. and Strickland A.D.
Regulations a case approach. N.Y.,St.Louis, San Francisco a.o., McGraw-Hill Book Company,1976.
ix,242 p.
r235.S\r9IV, 29^', ' r 90'/ 3/2.1
7 /C^/V7
235.5 W-451	Weiss Leonard W. Case studies in American industry 2d ed. K.Y.a.o.,John Wiley & Sons, 1971. xix,391 P»
W-429 Weiss Michael J.
The clustering of America.-
N.Y. a.o.;Harper and. Row, Publishers, 1988.-xvi,416 p.-Index:pp.407-416.
B37-2; B37-7;
E 35
W 432
Weissbrodt D.
Immigration law and procedure in a nutshell. St. Paul, Minn, West publishing CO, 1984.-345 p.
B 0
Weissman,Steve and Krosney,Herbert The Islamic bomb.The nuclear threat to Israol aiid the kiddie Bast.r.Y.,Times books.,1981.
339p. Index pp.327-339.
B 0
B 2
B 37-64
r 982 W 433	Weissman,Steve The Trojan horse.A radical look at foreign aid.Rev.1975 ed Palo Alto,Calif•»Ramparts,1975» 249 p.
F982;B 37-62; n 30
Weitzaan Murray S.
Measures of overlap of income dis' tributions of white and Negro faailie in the United States. By Murray S.Wei znan. Wash. , GPO t *1970.
n 2
W 436
V/eizsacker,Carl Friedrich von.
Wega in der Gefahr.Eine Studie uher Wirtschaft,Gesellschaft und KriegsVerhütung.	München-
Wien, Hanser,1977.
268 S.
n' 2 *
B 37
Welborn,David M.
Governance of federal regulatory agencies.By David M.Welborn. Knoxvi le,Tenn.,Univ.of Tennessee Press,1977 ix,179 p. Bibliogr.:p.171-175; index:p.177-179.
37-13; £ 37-133; £3Z
1096 c
B 11
W-441 Welch, William
American Images of Soviet Foreign Policy. An Inquiry Into Recent Apprisal from the Academic Community.-New Haven - L.s Yale U.P., 1970.--XIII, 316 p.-Index: p.303-316.
B 11; IT 6
K 30 w 445	Weldon,John and Levitt,Zola UFOs. What on earth is happening? N.Y.,Bantam books,1976. XII,175 p.
K 30	5588
r 927
W-445 Welfare in rural areas: the North Carolina-Iowa income maintenace experiment. Editors: J.L.Palmer and J.A.
Pechman. Wash.,The Brookings Institution, 1973.
xiii, 275 p.	Index:pp.269-273.
P 32 7-'/ 3333.3', 331 7; 0
r 927
W-445 Welfare reform: issues, objectives, and approaches. Wash.,GPO, 1977.
xxxiv, 175 p. (Background paper. The Congress of the U.S.,Congressional Budget Office).
r9 2-7 r 0 i ■ I P, 37 - 28 0