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K 53
Wade George H,
Fall enrollment in higher education 1970.Supplementary information. Wash. GFO,1971,
v,159 p.
K 35 ¥7—1'19
Wade George H.
Opening fall enrollment in higher education,1970.Report on preliminary survey. Wash.,GPO,1970.
vi,84 p.
K 53 Wade George H,
VJ-'119 Residence and migration of college students.Fall 1968.Analytic report. Wash.,GP0,197O.
x,87 p.
W-122 Wadia Maneck S.
Management and. the behavioral sciences. Text and readings. Boston, Allyn and Bacon,1968.
W P.
$ raz-i.o • ^2
W-l^l Wage and price controls.The U.S. experiment. Ed. by J.Kraft, B.Roberts. N.Y.,Wash.,L., Praeger Publishers,1975« xi,151 p.
B 37' £&
W-129 Wage calendar 1976. Wash.,GPO 1976.
v,68 p. (U.S.Department of La bor.Bureau of Labor Statistics).
r№(Ol) , .
Vf - Z ? C ( 0 ZJ
W-129 Wage restraint and the control pf inflation.An international survey. Ed.by Beth Bilson. N.Y., St.Martin's lress,1987.
190 p. Index:pp.182-190.
f924; r326.11
D 372 U-132	Waging peace .A handbook f.oas the struggle to abolish nuclear weapons.Ed.by Jim Wallis, Cambr., ban-Prancisc o-Sydney,Harper & Raw,1982. XIV,304p.,maps. Index pp. 297-304.
D 372 •B 37-55 II 40	6636
B 2 B-826
Wagner-Braveboy,Jacqueline A.
Interpreting the Third world. Politics,economics and social issues. II. Y. ,a.o Praeger, 19.86.
IA,357p.,maps. Index pp.351 356.
B 2 B 37-64
11 352
Wagner,Nathaniel N.,Haug,Marsha J.
Chicanos.Social and psychological perspectives. Saint Louis, C.V? Mosby, 1971S1
xxvii,3O3 p. with photogr.
Author indexsp.295-301}subject index jp.502-503«
A /7 552; 63?
B 37-64
W-135 wagoner,Prod B.
Dragon Rouge.The rescue of hostages in the Congo.-Wash.»national Defense University Research Directorate,1980.-xii,219p*
B 0 W-141
A sentence of exile.The Pales-tine/Israel conflict 1897-1977» Wilmette,Ill.,The Medina press,197 ix,226 p. Bibliogr.and notes p.213-222;general indexsp.223-226.

f*>0 Wainhouse,David ».	_	.	..
W '14'1 International peacekeeping at tne crossroads.national support — expert— ence and prospects. Baltinore-Lnd., Johns Hopkins U.F.,H975•
IX,634 p. Index p.629-654.
) ■ H	7274c
B 0 W-164 Waldheim,K.
In the eye of the stormCa memoir Adler,1986.-X,278p.-Index:p.270-278.
B 2
K 325 w-165
Some issues in preparing science administration leadership for tomorrow. Wash.,Th® George Washington University, 1969.
20 p.
À < 2 2