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U.S.Travel and tourism administra tion authorization.Hearing before the subcomm, on business,trade,and tourism comm, on commerce,science, and transportation U.S.Senate.98th congr.,2nd sess. Wash.,GPO,1984. 34 p.
r97.1; T99
United Spates.Travel service.
Annual report of the secretary of commerce.16th program report.Jan.-Dec. 1971. Wash., SPO,1972.
28 p.
U.S.Treasury department.
Combined, statement of receipts, expenditures and. balances of the United. States government... Washington,/1968/.
(.../Fiscal service.Bur. of .account Doc.N 324^/).
...for ÿhe fiscal year ended. June 30,1967.	678 p.
r 9ZG.X
U-58	United States treaties and other
international agreements. Vol.18. Part 3, 1967. Washington, GPO ,1969.
•	637-6
B 57-64----. ....... - ----------- —
U 58	-- United State« Troop Level« in Eu~
repe»assort on StuXf Survey Mission to jsurope.May 2-24,1970*	w'aah.,GPO,
▼11,15 p.
U 58
United States troops in Europe. Hearings before the Combined subcomm, of foreign relations and armed services comm.on the ... 90th Congress,! session.April 26 and May 3,1967. Wash.,GPO,1967.
111,124 p.
B 37-64
U 58
United States-Turkey defense and economic cooperation agreement, 1980.Hearing before the Subcomm.on Europe and theMiddle East of the Comm.on foreign affairs.House of repr.May 7,1980. Wash.,GP0,1980.
69 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sess.,2)
B 37-64;B 37-62;
21 30;B 37-601
B 37-64
U 5S
United States-Uganda relations.
Hearings before the Subcoim.on Africa,intern.organisât.,and intern, economic policy and trade of the Comm.on intern.relations.U.S.House ' of repr.Febr.1,2,9,22;Anr.6,26,1978. Wash.,GPO,1978.
34-3 p. (U.S.0ongr.,93.Sess.,2).
B 37-64
B	u.S.-U.S.S.R. cooperative agreements
Hearings before the subcomm,on internati onal cooperation in science and. space of the comm, onscience and. astronautics... 92 congr.,2d sess. Wash. ,GPO,'1972. 208 p.
r 90-75 U.S .-U.S .S .R. cooperative agree-
U 58 ments in science and technology.Hearings before... the Com. on science and technology.House of repr.ITov.18,19, 20, 1975* Wash.,GPO,1976.
551 P« (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,1).
T 90-75; B 57-64	5518
r?O-75 U-58
U.S.-U.S.S.R. Copyright negotiations on scientific and technical jour nals. June 1974. Wash.»National Science Foundation, 1974.
52 p.
reo'W, /3 3 7 -b i
r 981.1
U 58
S7p. 2220
U.S. - U.S.S.R. economic relations. Hearing before the comm, on finance. U.S.Senate. 101 Congr., 1st sess. - Wash.: GPO, 1990. -45 p.
T 981.1;
B 37-62
r 981	U.S.-U.S.S.R.trade and the whipsaw
U 58 controversy.Excerpts from meeting
Earch 50,1977...Advisory comm.on East West trade. Wash.,U.S.Lep»of commerce, 1977«
IV,55 P.
984.1 ;B B 37-64
5719 c
11.1	.. ■	....	.	.
•	- U.S.-U.ß.S.R. Trad® Relations.Dept.
of State replies to a lotterby Sen.J.W. Fulbright»and other documents pertaining to trade relations be tween the United Stute» and the Soviet Union»June wàk»h..GK).1959.	-• —---‘ ’
-----Ä0 p. (doth Cangr.»1ét aoas.Coo-Bittee on Foreign Relations.United Stute«
Senate) •
U-58 United States uranium mining and milling industry.A comprehensive review. May 1984. A report to the Congress by the President of the United States. Wash.,GPO,1984» xx, 103 p.
f“93; T933.1;
T932.1; F431;^25