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B57-67 U-58
United States.Information Agency.
Review of operations. Semiannual. 54. January-June 1970. Wash.,GP0, 1970.
16 p.
lb b?'sV>, fb bl'**
B37-69 u-58
U.S.Information agency.
Review of operations. Semiannual.
36th. Wash.,GPO,1971.
20 p.
B 37-67
U 58
U.S.intelligence performance on Central America^achievements and selected instances of concern Staff rep. Subcomm.on oversight and evaluation. Permanent select comm, on intelligence. Sept. 22, . 1982. Wash.,GPO,1982.
23 p. (U.S.Congr.,97,sess., 2)
B 37-67
B 37-64
U-58 United. States interest inthe Middle East.-Wash.:American Enterprise Inst., for Public Policy Research,1968.-132p.
B 37-64
2098 c
U-58 United States Interests & Activitie es in Nepal. Report to the Congress by the Comptroller General of the U.S., March 16, 1973.-Wash., 1973.--78 p.
r 50 U-58	U. S, interests and. global resources. Energy,minerals, food. Ed. by Emery IT.Castle and Kent A. Price. Wash.»Resources for the future, 1983. XVII,147p. Index pp.143-147-
r 50	6968
s 37-64
U 58
U.S.interests in,ar. polioi tov/ard,the Persian gulf, 1980. Hearings before the Subccirri. on Europe and the Piddle East of the Coninuon foreign affair:. House of repr.Parch 24;April 2 May 5;July 1,28;and Sept,3,198 Wash.,GPO, 1980.
471 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,ses
B 37-64;B
3 37-62’3
37-69;	5121
B 37-64
U 58
U.S.interests inland policies toward,the Persian Gulf,1980. Hearings before the Subcomm.on Europe and the Middle East of the Comm.on foreign affairs.House of repr.March 24;April 2,May 5,July 1,28;and Sept.3,1980.
471 p. (U.S.Congr.,96,sees., 2)
B 37-64;
P 980
B 37-67;
1 Ty co U.S.interests in and. policy toward, th Persian gulf.Hearings befofce the subcomm, on the Near East of the comm.on foreign affairs...92 eongr. ,2d. sess. Wash.,(IPO, 1972.
x,212 p.
B	United States interests in and polici<
es toward South Asia.Hearings before the subcomm.on the Near East and South Asia o: the comm,on foreign affairs.•.95 congr,, 1st sess,March 12,15>20,and 27,1973» Wa GPO,1973. xv,225 p.
United States interests in.the Middli u East.	Wash.,American Enterprise Inst,
for Public Policy Research,1968* 132 p.
Sp. 2179
B 37-64
U 58
United States interests in the South Pacific: Hearing before the Subcomm. on Asian and Pacific affairs. House of repres, 1O1st Congr., 1st sess. - Wash.: GPO, 1990. - 92 p.
B 37-64
U.S. International competitiveness: the construction industry. Hea ring before the subcomm, on interna tional economic policy and trade of the comm, on foreign affairs.House of repres.98th congr. 1st sess. Wash.,GIO,1985.
132 p.
r983; l”9O-72
United States International
Development Cooperation Agency Congressional presentation. Fiscal Year 1986. Wash.,1985.
v, 100 p.
f*982; B37-62
United States International Development Cooperation Agency United States 1984 Annual AID review. Memorandum to the development assistance committee.
Agency for International Development, 1984.
50 p.
V982; B37-62