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U.S.Congress.House of representatives. Committee on ways and means.
Quarterly report...
2.	Trade between the U.S. and the nonmarket economy countries. 1975» 86 p.
3.	Developments in trade between the U.S.and nonmarket economies. 1975» 30 p.
2-	3064
3-	3063
c.c.k, $$
U.S.Congress. House of representatives Committee on ways and means.
Quarterly report...
4.	Developments in trade between
the U.S. and the nonmarket economies. 1976.	47 p.
5.	Developments in trade between
the U.S. and the nonmarket economies. 1976.	54 p.
•	5-3062
U.S.Congress. House of representatives Committee on ways and means.
Quarterly report...
6.	Developments in trade between
the U.S. and the nonmarket economies. 1976.	43 p.
7.	Developments in trade between
the U.S. and the nonmarket economies. 1976.	54 p.
6-	3182
7-	3337
U.S.Congress.House of representative Committee on ways and means.
Quarterly report...
9 and 10.on trade between the U.S and nonmarket economy country's, purs uant to section 411(c) of the trade act of 1974.	1978.	171 p.
.	13. Trade between the U.S. and th
nonmarket economy countries. 1978. 84 p.
•	13-4165
T 981
U 58
U. S .Congre ss.House of .representatives. Committee on v/ays and means.
Special report to the Congress and the East-West foreign trade hoard on implications for U.S. trade of granting most-favored nation treatment to the People’s republic of China. June 8,1977. Wash.,GPO, 1977.
105 p. (U.S.Congr.,95,sess., 1 )
3695 0.
rgo U-58
U.S.House of representatives.Comm.on ways and. means.
State of the economy and president’s tax proposals. Wash.,GPO, 1975.
Ill, 517 p.
<90; rsil.i] r 926. Z
I 90	C??/**'*'3«
U-53 U.S.’House of representatives.Committee on ways and means.
Summary of energy facts and issues. Wash.,GPO,1975.
IV, 163 p.
ra 0'1 rs/S.r, r^32,l!
r 90 u-5S
U.S.'House of representatives.Committee on ways and. means.
Summary of testimony presented, by panelists on the subject of the energy crisis and. proposed, solutions. Wash.,GPO,1975.
VII, 51 p.
R-425 Report on the activities of the corm, on education and labor.During tlifi-, 95 th congrase-.	Wash.,GRO, 19785
'7a',w1p.	(U.S.House of rep-
res., 95th congr.,2d sess.)
/337- S32. 2) iC3> 3> y r^o-70'
ï 31 53	U.S.Congress.Joint Committee on defense production; Annual report of ....1975* Wash.,GPO,1976. XIII,116 p.
KL 31	2963
United States Congress.Joint economic comm.
The 1975 Joint economic report... February 1975 economic report of the president. Wash.,GPO,1975»
IV, 152 p.
r 30
Г QO-4-	. CCfnnt.
Ao tf.S.Congress, Joint economic report, u*"-?	Report of... 1969* Wash., ,QPÔf
1%9.	.
v,165 p. (91 congr,, 1st sess)
US.Congress,	.Select committee on
Working papers on House Committee Organization and operation,June 1973. Wash.: GPO.1973. - 34 brs.
B37-532.2; E31