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02>o(oi)	:
U-58	U.b.Army register, vol.lv. ufti-
cers* honorary. Retired list. wash., GPO,^968.!
• IZ b'O(Oi-)
U.S.Assistance for the economic develo ment of the Republic of Korea.Report to th Congress by the Comptroller general of the U.S. Wash.,1975.
100 p.
6 2 ^— 6
7« U.S. assistance programs in Vietnam. U->ö Hearings before the subcomm. of the comm
on government operations...92 congr.,1st sess. Wash. ,(2’0,197'1 •
iv,.562 p.
U.S.Assistance to the Dominican He-u"'? public. He a ring before the subcomm, on in-ter-American affairs of the comm.on foreign affairs,..93 congr.,1st sess.Decej ber 11,1973. Wash. ,GPC,197Z!-.
30 p.
r 983 U-38
U.S.assistance to the Khmer Republic (Cambodia).Report to the Congress by the Comptroller general of the U.S. Wash., 1973.
92 p.
U-58 US,Atomic Energy Commission.
Annual report to Congress... - Wash.: GPO,1971-1573.
...for 1970. - 1971. - IIII,343 p. -Ind.:p.325-343.
...for 1971. - 1972. - 11,249 p.
...for 1972. - 1973. - VIII,54 p.
B37-533; DO-64
United States Atomic Energy Commission
Export and import of materials and facilities controlled by the atomic energy commission.A guide to AEG export and import regulations. Wash., United States Bureau of Customs,1975.
ix, pag. var. (United states atomic energy commission.Division of state and licensee relations.Indemnity and export control branch), ,
В 37-5^--------.	----—.
U-58	...®Ue United States Atomic Energy Com
mission. What it is, what it does. Wash.,1967.
68 p.

E44 U-58
US.Attorney General.
...Annual report. - Wash.: GPO, 1972-1973.
1st... ; Federal law enforcement and criminal justice assistance activities. - 1972. - XV,542 p.
1973... - 1974. - VI,208 p.
E44; B37-533
R6 U-58
US auto trade problems: Hearings before the Subcomm.on Commerce,Transportation, a. Tourism of the Comm.on Energy a.Commerce,House of Representatives, 98th Congr.,1st sess. -Wash.: GPO,1983. - 716 p.
C96; T933.7