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T-784 Treaties and other international agreements : the role of the United States Senate.A study prep, for the comm, on foreign relations U.S.Senate by the congressional research service Library of Congress. Wash.,GPO, 1984.
vii,318 p. (98th congr.,2d sess.).
B37-6; B37-532.2
T-784	Treaties in force. A list of trea-
ties and. other international agreements of the United. States in force on Jan. 1, ”1968. Washington.Department of state Publ.,1968.
360 p.
3 57-6 rp-784
Treaties in force. A list es and other international ag: the United States in force in 197'1. Wash., C2?0,197% viii,394 p.
of treati-■e emen ts of January 1,
®	Treaties in force.A list of treaties
1-/ and. other international agreements of the United. States in foree on January '1,'1973. Wash. ,GEPO,1975.
viii,420 p.j
T_784 Treaties in force.A list of treaties and other international agreements of the United States in force on January 1, 1974. Wash.,GPO,1974 viii, 426 p.
T-7S4 The treatment of assets and income from assets in income-conditioned government benefit programs.Technical papers. Technical papers.Prep.for The Federal Council on the Aging under grant 9O-A-1O73 by The Institute for Research on Poverty. Wash.,GPO, 1977.
229 p.
B37 T-784
Treatment of women under social security.Hearings before the task force on social security and women of the subcomm, on retirement income and employment and the select comm, on aging.House of repres.96th congr. 1st sess. Vols.I-II. Wash.,GPO, 1980.
Vol.I. XI,331 p.
Vol.II. V, 494 p.
<5p. 1661
H o
T-784 Treaty between the United States of America and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics:On the elimination of their intermediate.-range and shorter-range missiles./December,1987. Wash.:	1987. - 21 p.
M02; HOI
B 37-64
T 784
Treaty of friendship and co-operation with Spain.Participation by Italy in NATO.Hearings before the Subcomm.on intern.
political and milit.affairs of the Comm;on intern.relations.House of
repr.June 8,16,1976. Wash.,GPO,
1976.	- ’	■
B 37-64;
123 P
B 2 57-612
qqii Treaty on limitation of anti-ballis-tic missile systems.Repot of the comm.on foreign relations.. .July 21,1972. Wash (£>0,1972.
10 p. (92 congr. ,2d sess)
В 37-65
Т 784 Treaty with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics on the reduction and limitation of strategic offensive arms (the START Treaty):Message from the President of the United States. - Wash.: GPO, 1991. - 1101p. - (l02d Congr., 1st sess. Senate).
В 37-6Г; ИЗО; В 37-611.2
D 557
Trelease Allen W
White terror. The Ku Klux Klan con spiracy and Southern reconstruction. N.Y.a.o. .Harper,497“I*
xlviii,557 PV
ßU-W (.1
A 22
T 789
Tremblay L.-M.
Le syndicalisme Québécois: Idéologies de la C.S.N. et de la F.T.Q. 1940-1970. - Montreal: Les
Presses de L’Universite de Montreal 1972. - 286 p
5662 c
B 11
Treml, Vladimir G.
Alcohol in the USSR. A Statistical Study.-Durham? N.C., 1982.-XIII, 103 -Bibliogr.:p.94-100.-Index:p.101-103. -(Duke Press Policy Studies).
B 11
Г 50 Т-794
Trends in developing countries. Was] World Bank,1975«