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Steingold Fred S.
Legal master guide for small business. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey, Prentice-Hall,Inc.,1983.
xiv, 242 p. Index:pp.238-242.
^13.2; E34;
B ° 7
S-823 Steiss Alan Walter
Managément control in government.	Lexington,Mass.,Toronto,
D.C.Heath and Company,1982. xiii,
xiii,339 p. Indexes;pp.331--339.
B37-532.6 f921.2; K38
r 918.1
S-824 Stemming inflation.The Office of emergency preparedness and the 90— Day Freeze.By Harry B.Yoshpe a.o. Wash.,Executive Off ce of the President,1972.
xv, 277 p.
M/S -I
AH PA S 826	Stent A.E. The limits of partnership: U.S.-Russian relations in the twenty - first century. - Princeton; Oxford: Princeton univ. press, 2014. - XIX, 393 p. : ill. Bibliogr.: p. 357-362. Ind. P. 365- 393.
53/16	B 37-64
r 50 S 826	Stent,Angela E. Soviet energy and Western Europe. Forew.by Robert F.Byrnes. Wash.,Fraeger,1982. VII,111 p. (Washington papers N 90,Vol.10)
F5O;T6O;BO;	5556
r 980	A
S-832 Stepehns,Otis H. ,Jr
The supreme court and. confessions of guilt.	Knoxville,Ten.,The Univer-
sity of Tennessee Tress,1973.
xii, 236 p.
S-827 Stephansky Ben S.
Latin America.Toward a new nationalism. N.Y.,Foreign policy Assoc., 1972.
63 p. (Headline ser.No.211.
June 1972).
E 30
S-829 Stephen Robert M.
Developing an understanding of world problems.An introduction to international law by sase studies.
N.Y.,Oceana Publ.,1969*
x, 154 p. Indexipp.151-154.
S-858 Sterling Christopher H. and Haight Timothy R.
The mass media: Aspen Institute Guide to Communication Industry Trends.	N.Y.-L.,Braeger Publi-
shers, 1978«
xl, 457 p.	Index:pp.451-457.
B 37-6 Sterling,Richard W.
S 83^r Macropolitics.International relations in a global society. N.Y.,Knopf,4974»
XX,643 p. (Borzoi books). Bibliogr.p.625-633» Index p. 635-643.
B 37-6;
II 332;ri354	3022
4744 c
Stern, Paula
Water’s Edge. Domestic Politics & t the Making of American Foreign Policy. -Greenwood Press, Westport, Conn.; L., 1979.-XIX, 265 p.-Bibliogr.:p. 243-259.-Index:p.261-265.
B37-6; P984.1; E35;
B37-64; F981.1;
B 37-672
r~233. 5
S-839 Stern, Robert M.
The balance of payments.Theory and economic policy. Chicago, Aldine Publ.Co.,1973.
xv, 436 p. Indexzpp.425-436.
S-839 Stern. S.
With the weathermen.The personal journal of a revolutionary woman. N.Y., Doubleday & Comapny, Inc.,1975« 374 p.
T1 52 Sternheimer,Stephen
S 839	East-West technology transfer.
Japan and the communist bloc. Beverly Hills-Lnd.,Sage,1980.
88 p. (Washington papers. Vol.8/76). .
F 52;P 90-73
Sterste-Perkings Dagnija
Salt II: a chronology. August 23» 1978. Wash.,Library of Congress, Congressional Research Service,1978.
38 p.