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S-797 Statements relating to the impact of technological change. Wash., GPO,1966.
309 p. (Appendix Vol.VI. Technology and the American economy. The report of the National Commission on Technology Automation, and Economic Progress).
S-797 Statements that analyze effects of proposed programs on arms control need improvement. Wash.»Controller General of the U.S.,1977.
v,41 p. (Report to the Congress. ).
ft3q-f3>2.6) /730;
ft 3,9-&J.2
The statesman's year-book.Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world for the year. 1957. Ed.by S.H.Steinberg.	N.Y.,ST Martin's
1638 p.
The statesman’s year-book. Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world for the year. 1959» Ed.by S.H.Steinberg. N.Y.,ST Martin’s Press,1959.
1673 p.
The statesman’s year-book. Statistical and. historical annual of the states _f the world for the year.1967-1968. Vol.I. Ed..by S.H. Steinberg. N.Y., ST Martin’s Press,1967.
789 p.
The statesman’s year-book. Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world for the year.1967-1968. Vol.2. Ed.by S.H.Steinberg.	N.Y.,
ST Martin’s Press,1967.
Vol.2. pp. 793-1736.	Index:
pp. 1635.
The statesman’s year-book.Statistical and. historical annual of the world for the year 1968-1969« Ed.by S.H.Steinberg.	N.Y.,ST Martin’s Press
1727 p.
% 25
The statesman’s year-book.Statisti cal and historical annual of the states of the world for the year 1969-1970. Ed. by S.H.Steinberg and John Pa Paxton. N.Y.,ST.Martin’s Press,1969 XXVI, 1558 p.
Я 25
S-797 The statesman’s year-book.Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world for the year 1971-72. Ed.by John Paxton. London, Macmillan,1971.
xxvi, 1569 p.
8-797 The statesman’s year-book.Statistical and historical annual of the states of the world for the year.1987-1988./Ed.by John Paxton.-N.Y.: St. Martin’s Press,1987.-xl,1695 p.-Indexes : pp.1631-1695.
Statewide grand juries. April 1977. Raleigh,North. Carolina, The National Association of Attorneys General,1977.
v, 48 p. (The National Association of Attorneys General.Comm, on the Office of Attorney General.)
£30^	£3<P
S-797 Statistical abstract of the United. States.I960. 81 annual ed. Wash.,GPO,I960.
XII, 1040 p. (U.S.Dep. of commerce Bureau of the census).
$ 25
S-797 Statistical abstract of the United States.1962. 83 annual ed.
Wash., GPO,1962.
XII, 1036 p. (U.S.Dep. of Gommer ce. Bure au of the census).
$ 25
S-797 Statistical abstract of the United States.1964. 85th annual ed.
1041 p.
Statistical abstract of the United States / US.Dep.of Commerce.Bureau of the Census. - Wash., 1966-1968.
1966: 87 annual edition. - 1966. -XII,1039 p.
1967: 88th annu.ed. - 1967. - III, 1050 p.
1968: 89th annu.ed. - 1968. - XII, 1034 p. - Ind.: p.991-1034.