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B22 s-754
Spicer Keith
A Samaritan state? External aid. in Canada’s foreign policy. Toronto, University of Toronto Press,1966.
xiv, 272 p. Index:pp.261-272.
fbzz', №
IT 5	Spiegel,Steven L.
S 755 America’s detente dilemma. Los Angeles,1986.
17 p. /CISA research note No.16/
II 5	7278c
S-755 Spiegel, Steven L.
Dominance and diversity.The International hierarchy. Boston, Little Borwn and Co.,1972.
ix, 309 p.
В 3H
5-755 Spielmann,Karl F.
Analysing Soviet strategic arms decisions« Boueder,Col.,1978.
XV, 184 p. (A Westview spec, stud.).
S-755 Spiers M.
Techniques and. public administration: a contextual evaluation. L., Martin Robertson in association with Fontana/Gollins,1975.
250 p.	Index:pp.247-250.
330 5
r 52
S-755 Spigler, lancu
Direct Western investment in East
Europe* — Oxford,St.Anthony’s college, -XII, 346 p. - (East European econo mics:4S). - Indexipp.333-346.
rsi] r№\ 56/^ J
\ r<l/3
S-75& Spillner Paul
Internationales Wörterbuch der Abkurzungen von Organisationen.Teil 1,2. München und Berlin,Verlag Dokumentation, 1970/1971.
Teil 1-2. xv, 959 p.
ß 22
S-756 Spillner,Paul
Internationales Wörterbuch der Abkurzungen von Organisationen.Teil 3»S-Z. 2nd ed.1972. Munchen-Pullach und Berlin,Verlag Dokumentation,1972.
pp. 961-1295.
S-758 Spindler J.Andrew
The politics of international credit.Private finance and foreign policy in Germany and Japan. Wash.,The Brookings Institution, 1984.
xii,220 p. Index:pp.215-220.
ГвО; Г926; Г913
i	65^6
B 22
S-759 Spirit of Toronto:1834-1984.
Poreword by David Srombie.
/Ed.by Margaret Lindsay Holton/.-Toronto,Ont.:Image,1983»-VI,33&p.-ill.
B 22,B 225-534.
Spiro,Herbert J.
А пет? foreign policy consensus? Beverly Hills-Lnd.,Sage,1979«
72 p. ' (The Washington papers.
C9O-6O S-764	Sporn Philip Technology, engineering, and eco-nomics.	Cambirgde»Mass.,The MIT Press,1969« XII, 148 p.
nr y/gg
Spulbsr Nicolas
The American Economy. The Struble for Supremacy in the 21st Century. II.Y.,Camb.Univ.Press, 1995, 236 p.
r 921 S-774
Squires Frank H.
Successful quality management.
By Frank H.Squires. Compiled and ed. by Robert T.Linke Director, Hitchcock executive Book Service.	Wheaton,II.
Hitchcock Executive Book Service 1980 342 p.	’
/"^2/; rd 2/o r92J J
S-774 Sraffa »Piero
Production of commodities by means of commodities.Prelude to a critique of economic theory.By Piero Sraffa. Cambridge,At the University Press, 19.72 xii, 99 p.