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S-529 The shaping of foreign policy.
Ed.by Harold Karan Jacobson and William Zimmerman.	N.Y.,Atherton
VII, 214 p.
r 95
S-299 Shaping the general purpose navy of the eighties: issues for fiscal years 1981-1985»January 1980.
xxvii,145 p. (Budget issue paper for fiscal year 1981.The Congress of the U.S.Congressional Budget Office).
r 82
S-529 Shapiro Daniel M.
Foreign and domestic firms in Canada.A comparative study of financial structure and performance.
Toronto, Butterworths,1980.
142 p. Bibliogr.:pp.135-139;
rgZ7. h
r 822
S-529 Shapiro, Daniel M.
Multinational investment and the Canadian economy. Cornell University, 1974.
viii,292 p. Bibliogr.:pp.277~ 292. (An authorized facsimile produced in 1977).
/~2 33.5', Cl#
B37 S-529
SaJipiro Irving S. and Kaufmann Carl B.
America’s third revolution.Public interest and the private role. N.Y. a.o., Harper & Row, Publishers, 1984.
xiii, 283 p. Index:pp.269-283.
B37-O95; B37-2;
T913; T918.1
E311 S-529
Shapiro »Martin,Hobbs,D.S.
The politics of constitutional law« Cambridge,Mass.»Winthrop Publ.,Inc.,1974.
xviii, 596 p.
3-529 Shaplen Robert
Time out of hand. Revolution and reaction in Southeast Asia.By Robert Shaplen. IT.Y.a.o. ,Harper & Row,1969.
X, 465 p.
S-529 Shapley,L., Subik,M.
Game theory in economics-Chapter decisionmakers. Santa Monica,Calif Rand Corp.,1972.
36 p.
f 2 33. -3
S-531 Sharabi Hishara
Palestine Guerrillas. Their credibility and effectiveness. Wash Georgetown Univ.,1970.
viii, 56 p.
B 37-64 3-531	^Shared destiny.50 years of Soviet-American relations. Ed.by Mark Garrison and Abbott Gleason. Boston,Beacon press 1985. XXXII,I67p. Index pp.161-167.
B 37-64 B 36	6918
r 50 S-531
Sharing global re sources. ByArad,Ruth W.,Arad,Uzi B.,a.o. N.Y.,a.o.,McGraw-Hill,1979.
XVI,220p. Bibliogr.pp.205-206. Index pp.207-217*
F 50; BO T 88; F 980 B 37-603
6097 C
BO Sharing global resources.By Ruth V/.
S 531 Arad and Uzi B.Arad,Rache1 McCulloch, a.o.Introd.by Edward L.Morse. N.Y., » 1 j 1J •
(1980s Project/Council Bibl.pp.205-206.
a.o„McGraw-Hill,1979-XVI,220 p.
on foreign relations) Index pp. 207-217..
B0;B 37-6;B 37-62; T 431;T 50;F984.1 P 90-71
S-531 Sharing the defense burden:the multinational F-16 aircraft program. Rep.to the Congress by the Comptroller Feneral of the U.S. Aug.15,1977» Wash.,GPO,1977.
34- p. (U.S.Department of Defense) .
//33; (357-^7
S-531 Sharkansky Ira
Public administration.Policy--making in government agencies. Chicago,Markham Publ.Co.,1970.
xx, 307 p. Index:pp.297-307
S-531 Sharkansky Ira
Regionalism in American politics Indianapolis and New York,The Bobbs-Merril Co.,1970.
xv, 194 p.