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r-432 Research, and experimental source allocation rules.Hearings before the subcomm. on oversight of the comm, on ways and means.House of repres.98th congr.,1st sess.
268 p.
K32; K321; K323
f9O-68; E34; E32
r-432 Research, and experimental source allocation rules.Hearings before the subcomm. on oversight of the comm, on ways and means.House of repres.98th congr.,1st sess.
268 p.
K32; K321; K323
f9O-68; E34; E32
[’90-60 R-432
Research and innovation: deve-
loping a dynamic economy. Joint economic comm. Special study on economic change.	Wash.,GPO,1980.
42 p.
[’90-60 R-432
Research and innovation: deve-
loping a dynamic economy. Joint economic comm. Special study on economic change.	Wash.,GPO,1980.
42 p.
R-432	Research and innovation in the
modern corporation.By E.Mansfield,J.Ra poport,J.Schnee a.o. N.Y.,W.W.Norton 1971.
x,239 p. Index:p.231-239.
R-432	Research and innovation in the
modern corporation.By E.Mansfield,J.Ra poport,J.Schnee a.o. N.Y.,W.W.Norton 1971.
x,239 p. Index:p.231-239.
r 90-72
R-432	Research and technology and the
European community. S.l.,196-.
23 p.
r 90-72
R-432	Research and technology and the
European community. S.l.,196-.
23 p.
» 25
R-432	Research centers directory.3d ed.
Ed. by A.M.Palmer.Foreword by J.L.Olsen. Detroit,Gale Research C°,1968.
884 p.
2^; k3O
» 25
R-432	Research centers directory.3d ed.
Ed. by A.M.Palmer.Foreword by J.L.Olsen. Detroit,Gale Research C°,1968.
884 p.
2^; k3O
R-452 Research centers directory.Fifth ed Ed. by Archie M.Palmer.	Detroit,Mi-
chigan, Gale Research Company.Book Tower, 1975.
xi, 1059 P» Indexes:pp.881-1059»
<jzr, KWtoi)
R-452 Research centers directory.Fifth ed Ed. by Archie M.Palmer.	Detroit,Mi-
chigan, Gale Research Company.Book Tower, 1975.
xi, 1059 P» Indexes:pp.881-1059»
<jzr, KWtoi)
$ 25
R-432 Research centers directory.6th ed, Ed.by Archie M.Palmer.	Book Tower,
Detroit,Michigan, Gale Research Company, 1979.
xii,1121 p.	Indexes:pp.947-1121.
$ 25
R-432 Research centers directory.6th ed, Ed.by Archie M.Palmer.	Book Tower,
Detroit,Michigan, Gale Research Company, 1979.
xii,1121 p.	Indexes:pp.947-1121.
15292; 15293
R-432 Research centers directory.10th ed. 1986. Vols.1-2. Book Tower,Detroi t, Michigan, GAle research company,1985.
Vol.1.(Sections 1-7).Entries 1-5085.
Vol.2.(Sections 8-17).Entries 5086-8354.
^25; K3O(O2).