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B 0 P-978
Pugwash conference on science and world affairs, 32.Warsaw, 1982.
Proceedings of...Warsaw,Poland. 26-31 August,1982. "The current denger of nuclear war:the relevance of the Russell-Einstein manifesto today". Lnd.,1982.
XI,424p. Index p.124*
B 0
B 0 Pugwash conference on science and P-978 world affairs,33*Venice,1983.
Proceedings of...Venice,Italy. 26-31 August,1983."Avoiding nuclear and other wars and reversing the arms race". Lnd.,1983.
B 0	6366
B 0 P-978	Pugwash conference on science end world affairs,34«Bjor-kliden, 1984- Proceedings of•,.Pjorkliden, Sweden-9-14 July.1984»"1984 and beyond:science,security and public opinion". ' Lnd.,1984 IX,454p»
B 0	6729
‘ ‘ ‘ '	■ • ' •	.	..!	7202c
3 0	• v *. «	>
P-978 pugwash conforenôô où science and world affairs. 55th.
proceeding of...Cu&pinua.Brazil 3-8 July 1985*
"East-West conflicts and the third world»internationalships and impli cations for pesos".-L.t1985»w ▼iiit285p*
B 0
P-978 Pugwash conference on science and world affairs.36th. Proceedings of the 36th Pugwash conference... Budapest, Hungary 1-6 September 1986. L.,The Pugwash Central Office,1986. viii,401 p.
BO; B37-64
2-978 Pugwash, conference on science and world affairs. 37th.Proceedings of the 37th conference... Munich, F.R.G. 24th-29th Aug. 1977.- Basing stokejTaylor and Francis Ltd,1977.-x,517 p.
BO; B37-64
BO P-978
Pugwash Conference on Science and World Affaris:Proceedings of the 37th Pugwash Conference...:"From confrontation to rapprochement : 30th anniversary of Pugwash".-L.,The Pugwash Central Office,1987.-xi,557 p.
BO; B37-64
B 0
P 978
Pugwash conference on science and world affairs. 38th. Proceedings of the 38th conference on science and world affairs. - Dagomys, USSR, 29 aug - 3 sept. 1988. - 574 p.
694 d
P-9B2 Pullen John J.
Patriotism in America.A study of changing devotions.1770-1970.By John J.Pullen.	N.Y.,American Heritage Pres
xi, 235 p.	Index:pp.229-235«
P-982 Pullum T.W.
Measuring occupational inheritance.
Amsterdam, Oxford, N.Y., Elsevier,1975.
XIV, 184 p. Bibliogr: pp.178-182;
Index: pp.185-184. (Progress in mathematical social sciences. Vol. 5.).
n 3 S/
E 312
P 9S2
The pulse of freedom.American liberties :192O-197Os.Ed.by Alan Heitman.Foraw.by Ramsey Clark.
N. Y., No£t on, 1975 •	‘	‘
552 p. Index p.343-552.
E 312;B 37-4;B 37-55
p-984 Bonnett R.M.
The prime minister in Canadian government and politics. Toronto, Macmillan of Canada,Maclean-Hunter Press,1977.
viii, 168 p. Index:pp.163-168. (Canadian Controversies Series)
ß22'( /3223-32', ^22-/; /32 2д - ^ъг.Ч
H 554 P-985

Purdue University.Herman C.Krannert Graduate School of Industrial Administration
Studies of the social and psychological aspects of verification,inspection and international assurance.Technical report No.1-5. /Purdue Univ.,1968 No.l.	VII, 65 p.
No. 2.	509 p.
No.5.	1,40 p.
c n^
P-985 Purdue University.Herman C.Krannert Graduate. School of Industrial Administration
Studies of the social and psychological aspects of verification,inspection and international assurance.Technical report No. 4.1,4.2, 4.3. Purdue Univ.,1968.
No.	4.1.	74	p.
No.	4.2.	57	p.
No.	4.3.	49	p.
n 354
Purdue University.Purdue Research Foundation
Social and psychological aspects of verification,inspection and international assurance: final report.E-104 Prep.for the U.S.Arms Control and Disarmament Agency by Richard E.Walton a.o. S.I., /Purdue Univ./,1969.
51 P.