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B 37-6
N 532
New dynamics in national! strategy. The paradox of power.Forow.by Maxwell D.Taylor. N.Y.,Crowell,1975»
293 P. Bibliogr.p.277-289.
B 37-6;H 5;BI 30;
B 37-61;B 0
r9O; r980; f913
The new economy... Proceedings of a congressional economic conference on Wednesday,June 6,1984.Cosponsored by the Joint economic comm.Congress of the U.S. subcomm, on general oversight and the economy of the comm, on small business.House of repres. and the congressional ckearinghouse on the the future Congress of the U.S.
vii,211 p.^ (98th congr.,2d sess
r 90
N-532 New electric power technologies. Problems and prospects for the 1990s. Wash.,GPO,1985.
x, 329 p. Index:pp.323-329.
r 991
New England and the energy crisis. Proceedings of a conference held at Edgartwon,Mass.,Oct1975. /Boston/,Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, 1975.
225 p. (The Federal Reserve Bank of Boston conference series.№15)
• r$W- r30; rsii.H
IT-532 The new environment for Canadian-American relations. A statement by the Canadian-American committee. Wash. ,NPA, 1972.
x, 69 p.
S 37-6 N-532
,	\ 7	2037c
The new era in American foreing polio, /Ed.by John H.Gilbert/.-N.Y.sSt.
Martin’s Press,1973«-2l6p.
B 37-6,B 37-64
B 0
II 532
New era in East Asia. Hearings before the Subcomm.on Asian and Pacific affairs of the Comm.on foreign affairs. House of repr. May?19,20,28; June 3,10;and July 16,1981. Wash., GPOj1981.
417 p. (U.S.Congr.,97,sess.,1)
BO;B 37-64;
T 981;T 982;
B 37-62;11 30
P.l. 14380.
B37	P.2.	14381.
N-532 New federalism: its impact to date.Hearings before the joint economic comm.Congress of the U.S.98th congr.,1st sess.Parts 1-2.
P.l. 662 p.
P.2.Appendix.	484 p.
B37-5O3; B37-534
F918.1; T99O
B 225-62
N 532	The new geopolitics of mine-
rals: Canada and international resource trade /Ed. by David G. Haglund. - Vancouver: University of British Columbia Press, 1989. - 273 p. - Index: p. 269-273.
B 225-62; r822.01; r 823.511
В 37-298
New horizons of Muslim diaspora in North America and Europe /ed. by M. Ennaji. - New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 2016. - XI, 282 p.: ill. - Ind.: p. 281-282. - Библиогр. в конце ст.
21718 ин
$ 23
W-532 New horizons U.S.A. The guide to travel in the United States. N.Y. Pan American Airways,1967,
543 p. Index:pp.540-543.
r 5
N-532 A new initiative to liberalize international trade:Report of the subcomm, on international economics of the joint economic comm.Congr., of the U.S.-Wash.:GPO,1973.-v,24 p. (93d Congr.,1st sess).
N-532 The new international Actors.The United Nations and the European Economic Community.Ed. by C.A. Cosgrove and K.J.Twitchett.	L.,etc.,McMillan-
St.Martin’ s Press,1970.
272 p. Bibliogr.:pp.257-266. Index:pp.267-272.
rso N-532
The new international economic order. Confrontation or cooperation between North and South? Ed. by K.P.Sauvant and H.Hasenpflug.	Boulder,Co-
lorado, Westview Press,1977.
xviii, 474 p. Indexspp.471-474.
N-532 The New international economic order: a U.S. response. Edited by David B.H.Denoon. N.Y.,New York University Press,1979 .
xvi,346 p.	Index:pp.343-346.