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14131 t
K-62 Kislov A. and Zimenkov R.
USA and the Islamic world. New Delhi, Sterling Publishers Private. 1984.
xi,80 p.	Index:pp.78-80.
K 2 Kiss Y.
K 61 Arms Industry Transformation and Integration . The Choices of East Central Europe.-Oxford: Oxford univ. press, 2014.- 438 p.-Index: p. 414-438.
y i ' Go {
K-61	Kissinger,Henry A.
American foreign policy.Three N.Y.,Norton, 1969.
143 p.	Index:p.137-143.
Kissinger, Henry.
Does America need a foreign policy? Toward a diplomacy for the 21st century. N.Y., Simon & Schuster, 2001.- 296 p.-Ind.: p.297-318.
B 37-601
K 61 Kissinger, Henry A.
American foreing policy.
- Expanded ed. - N.Y.: W.W.Norton
& Co., 1974. - 304 p. - Index: p. 293-304.
B 37-601
D 2
K 61
Kissinger,Henry A.
Communist parties in Western Europe.Challenge to the West. Wash.,1977.
21 p. (Amer.enterprize inst., Reprint N 70.June 1977).
D 2
B 37-532.3
K 61 Kissinger Henry.
For the recoerd: selected statememnts 1977-1980 Boston-Toronto: Little, Brown and Comp., 1981. - 332 p.
224 d	B 37-601
K-61	Kissinger,Henry A.
The necessity for choice.Prospects of American foreign policy,By Henry A Kissinger. N.Y.,Harper,/1961/.
XII,370 p.
B 37-601 K61
Kissinger Henry A.
The necessity for choice. Prospects of American foreign policy .N. Y., Anchor Books, 1962.- 387p.
o ) c .07. 2 00 V 2375 c
B 36
K-61 Kissinger, Henry A.
Nuclear Weapons & Foreign Policy.--N.Y.: Harper, 1957.-XX, 463 p.--(Council on Foreign Relations).--Bibliogr.:p.437-455.-Index:p.45 7--463.
B 36; B37-611J
B 37-S
K 61
Kissinger,Henry A.
Report of Secretary of State Kissinger on his trip to Latin America.Hearing before the Comm.on intern.relations.House of repr. March 4,1976. Wash., GPO,1976.
38 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2)
b 37-Q;B 57-64
B 37-64
K 61
Kissinger,Henry A.
Report of Secretary of State Kissinger on his visits to Latin America,Western Europe,and Africa. Hearing before the Comm.on intern.relations.House of repr. June 17,1976. Wash.,GPO,1976.
31 p. (U.S.Congr.,94.Sess.,2).
B 37-64
20 c
K-61 Kissinger, Henry A.
The Troubled Partnership. A Re-Appri-sal of the Atlantic Alliance.- .
Garden City, H.Y,: Doubleday, 1966.--XII, 266 p.-Index:P.251-266.
B 36-612
Kissinger Henry A.
The Troubled partnership. A Reappraisal of the Atlantic Alliance by H.A. Kissinger.- N.Y., Anchor Books, 1966-
B 37-8
K 61 Kissinger, Henry.
White House years. - Boston, Toronto: Little, Brown and Co., 1979. - xxiv, 1521 p., 24 1. ill, map. - Index: p. 1497-1521.
B 37-8;
B 37-6; H5